OK I'll slow down
If you care:
1- Our election process has been compromised by traitors. The small amount of documented election fraud and interference I've posted is but a small slice of whats going on.
2- Trump won Bigly in 2020
3- The strategy seems to be to make such a mess of the vote that it will be tied up in courts until January. At which time the Legislature and possibly USSC will have to intervene.
4- They are hoping and provoking for violence and anything they can call an "Insurrection: to be able to say "see they did it again"
5- However they may not be able to control it, in which case social unrest is a very real possibility.
6- Dems are the primary instigators, funded and urged on by the traitors who really run our corrupt government, BUT plenty of Republicans are part of it.
Nobody in the swamp, NO Federal employee or official wants to see Trump win because they are afraid of either A) prison time, B) their grift/gravy train ending or C) losing power, or ALL Three!
7- Most 3rd world Banana Republiks have more secure and fair elections than the US. Its laughable.
8- They're lying to you about EVERYTHING