US Elections (& Politics) :)

TV executive panics that Trump winning means press has no influence: 'Mainstream media is dead'​

More broadly, one network executive told features writer Charlotte Klein, "It's going to change everything" if Trump wins. The exec said it could signify the complete failure of the news industry.

"If half the country has decided that Trump is qualified to be president, that means they're not reading any of this media, and we’ve lost this audience completely. A Trump victory means mainstream media is dead in its current form," they said.

Link to the story" TV executive panics that Trump winning means press has no influence: 'Mainstream media is dead'

My Comment: So, these TV executives are admitting that they are trying to sway the voters towards the Democrats. :mad:
The "main stream media" already knows they're dead. They lost control after the 2020 election, and they're just beginning to realize it.
@bigredfish said there were so many fraud reports . . . I agree.

Below, I have included three separate lists (known as 'buns' on 8kun) of posts illustrating the blatant and rampant election fraud.
The sheer number of details, as well as Elon Musk compiling an election fraud database, should convince anyone with half a brain.

ALL of the post links below reference discussion thread posts.

Ad-blockers are recommended, as is good anti-virus software.
Things are NOT censored there. Don't complain about being offended.

Election Shenanigans 1 of 4

>>21861726 Elon has compiled an election fraud database.
>>21862359 If you are aware of any election integrity issues, please report them to the Election Integrity Community
>>21862258 Mike Lindell's Election Nexus Incident Dataset is now live!
>>21855520, >>21855571 This is voter suppression from the left. Do not let them turn you away.
>>21855727 North Dakota Media Outlet Caught Suppressing News, Audio Clips Show Attempt to Broker Extortion Deal with U.S. Senator
>>21856151 Dade County Florida. Box full of ballots found on the side of the road
>>21856087 York County, Pennsylvania Election Officials Are Examining Thousands of Suspect Voter Registrations and Ballot Applications from Third-Party Group
>>21855799 Wow! York County, Pennsylvania, received THOUSANDS of potentially FRAUDULENT Voter Registration Forms and Mail-In Ballot Applications from a third party group. This is on top of Lancaster County being caught
>>21855698 Arizona secretary of state to hold 'mock election'
>>21855549 Obama and Acorn implicated in the York County Pennsylvania fake voter registration scandal!
>>21855575 Pennsylvania: Stay in line and #Vote ! They arrested me and I didn’t break any laws.
>>21855520 A supporter of President Trump's was arrested today for encouraging people to stay in the early voting line and cast their ballots freely in Pennsylvania.
>>21856741 Box of Ballots Found on Florida Turnpike After Reportedly Falling Off a Truck --- Election Worker Fired
>>21856679, >>21856837 DropBox Theft & Burning People who dropped ballots at the affected mailboxes can track their ballots at…
>>21856637 “Imperfections in Barcodes” -- 77,000 Ballots w/ Printing Error in Nevada County, California
>>21856602, >>21856952, >>21857033 Bucks County, PA Emergency Services Shut Down the Voting Line in Doylestown at 2:41pm
>>21856703 When Trump was speaking at Madison Square Garden, this local New York Bar was full of Trump supporters watching the rally and singing their hearts out
>>21856551 PENN GOP Committeewoman Speaks Out After Arrest -- Was Cuffed to a Bench and More!
>>21857732 Colorado Secretary of State posted spreadsheet with voting system passwords
>>21858511 Nevada County, CA --- A Ballot Printer “Ink Overspray Error” Prevents 77,000 Ballots from Being Counted
>>21858308 Pennsylvania: Illegals being escorted in and getting in front of Americans in line to vote
>>21858209 The elections worker in Miami who “accidentally dropped a box of ballots out of the back of a truck” has been fired
>>21857885, >>21858043, >>21858252, >>21858343 Buck County, PA responds to election interference allegations
>>21858628 One of the fake election officials that were telling people to leave and come back later
>>21858639 Pennsylvania Voters must stay in line on the final day of early voting and cast their vote
>>21858725 Levittown Bucks County: Told the line is 4 hours and I will not be able to vote today
>>21858713 Busses of non-English speaking "citizens" are guided past Americans to cut line and vote
>>21858736 Houston Northwest election voting tomfoolery
>>21858826 Republicans ask Supreme Court to block decision to count Pennsylvania provisional ballots
>>21858854 Virginia asks Supreme Court to allow voter rolls purge before election
>>21860751 Full- blown election disaster in CO. 1. SecState Jena Griswold admits counting fraudulent ballots in this election. 2. SECSTATE COVERUP: pure security breakdown
>>21860743 Meta’s Instagram censored my report exposing how illegal immigrants using Facebook, buy fake IDs and social security cards across the US, posted in May, taken down 6 days before the election
>>21860741 @WallStreetApes Man standing in line to vote is told he will be arrested if he doesn’t remove his Make America Great Again hat
>>21860671 DEMOCRAT OFFICIAL PAM JANVEY telling everyone they can’t vote….
>>21860871 Suspect in Phoenix, Arizona Ballot Drop Box Fire Thursday Identified. More on Oregon and Washington Dropbox Fires
>>21860868 In another area of Pennsylvania, a mysterious figure with Rhode Island plates was spotted making a last-minute drop-off of a large stack of ballots
>>21861753, >>21861773, >>21861782, >>21861793, >>21861800 Confirmed: Illegals voting in Maine.

Election Shenanigans 2 of 4
>>21861997 Please call the PA Department of State to report voter intimidation 1-877-VOTESPA
>>21861263 A handwritten note declaring “ALL DROP BOXES WILL BURN. FREE GAZA" was discovered
>>21861290 Jena Griswold just leaked over 700 root passwords for all Dominion Voting System machines in Colorado
>>21861332 Charlotte Clymer's PAC AllVote ran a voter suppression scam targeting voters in the swing states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Arizona
>>21861350 Everyone involved in vote shenanigans should get a minimum of 10 years in federal prison.
>>21861417 Make him Famous Anons, Cap Related
>>21861478 18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters
>>21861644 Supreme Court rules 6-3 to allow Virginia to remove non-citizens from its voting rolls.
>>21861980 VOTER SUPPRESSION: Quakertown Polling in Bucks County Cuts
>>21862039 Devices used in ballot box arsons had 'Free Gaza' markings, sources say
>>21862065 The early voting blog, 2024, NV Updated, 6:15 AM, 10/30/24
>>21861989 Pennsylvania Voters Witness ‘Non-English Speaking Citizens’ Escorted Past Long Lines to Vote
>>21861987 Supreme Court clears way for Virginia to remove 1,600 alleged noncitizens from voter rolls
>>21862283 Michigan Secretary of State Reveals a 'Nationwide Issue' Is Affecting Certain Dominion Voting Machines
>>21862167 This is a nationwide issue with Dominion" machines hit by a voting 'BUG'
>>21863219 Georgia Voter Alleges Fraud After Mysterious Address Change
>>21862987, >>21863026 Colorado Secretary of State posted spreadsheet with voting system passwords
>>21863064 North Carolina Appeals Court Rejects GOP Challenge
>>21863133 Washington Resident Says She Received 16 Ballots With Different Names
>>21863093, >>21863104, >>21863397, >>21863432 Pennsylvania ABC News Station 16 WNEP Apologizes For Showing Presidential Election 'Results'
>>21863577, >>21863613, >>21863645, >>21863706 JUDGE- early voting extended three extra days in Bucks County, PA until 5 pm Friday (November 1)
>>21864165 @LaraLeaTrump: Our election integrity team received reports of a 'Glitch' in Michigan
>>21864223 Ballot printing 'error' in Nevada
>>21864277 Fact Check: Jena Griswold Spreads Dangerous Disinformation on Kyle Clark's "Next.”
>>21865307 After reviewing the Qualified Voter File (QVF) of votes actually cast as of yesterday, Oct 29, 2024…
>>21865290 Room full of Voting Machine Equipment, Kept in a Unsecured Room
>>21865253 The glitch IS the rig. Now they’re going to download a patch.
>>21865198 RNC just stopped Michigan Democrats from counting 168,000 “duplicate ballots”
>>21865177 Fact check: False
>>21865136 Voting In PA: "Do Not Fall Out Of Line Until They Let You Vote". Josh Shapiro got blown out by the judge saying it was illegal to kick republicans out of line.
>>21865007 The Steal Is Underway In Pennsylvania. Another Color Revolution happening. CISA and FBI is interfering again
>>21865411 BREAKING: Colorado House Republicans are calling for Secretary of State Jena Griswold to resign
>>21865708 Chinese student to face criminal charges for voting in Michigan - ballot will apparently count
>>21865969 Lara Trump: Our election integrity team received reports of thousands of duplicate ballots in Michigan
>>21866011, >>21866030, >>21866136 Colorodo's Jena Griswold (D) involved in voting machine password leak scandal
>>21866608 USPS Caught Skipping Required Scanning Of Absentee Ballots
>>21866638, >>21866623 George Brauchier: CRS 1-13-708(2) re: Jena Griswold password leak
>>21867056 Chinese citizen charged with illegal voting in Michigan - his ballot will still count…
>>21867914 Election Fraud Videos: Jeff Lenberg LMPG- Vulnerability Expert Details 'Machine Instrumentation'
>>21867952 Jeff Lenberg LMPG- Vulnerability Expert Details 'Machine Instrumentation'
>>21868132, >>21868240 CO SoS Jena Griswold knew these voting machine passwords were “leaked” for at least 5 days
>>21868197, >>21868570 Reminder WIFI ON/OFF is in BIOS. Cellular Modem too

Election Shenanigans 3 of 4 (Updated 11/2/2024 4:00 PM EDT)
>>21868877, >>21868980 We caught them CHEATING BIG in Pennsylvania.
>>21868771 In case you missed it, Jena Griswold was CAUGHT IN THE ACT of leaking passwords
>>21868801 Colorado: Section 1-13-708 Tampering With Voting Equipment
>>21868860 Does Georgia’s Algorithm-Assisted Massive Documented Election Fraud Rise to the Level of a Treasonous
>>21869653 Harris campaign operatives were caught soliciting foreign participation in the 2024 election?
>>21870163, >>21870239 Thoughts Kentucky?
>>21870638 ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Voters in Kentucky are reporting not being able to select Trump on voting machines.
>>21870200 613,000 Georgia Voters Who Did Not Participate in the 2020 Election Have Voted Early
>>21871131, >>21871199 Investigators Have Found The Source of How Illegals Are Getting Registered To Vote
>>21870526 Third County in Pennsylvania Finds Fraudulent Mail Ballot Request Forms
>>21871574 Georgia Receives 15 Percent Fewer Ballot Requests From Overseas Voters Than In 2020
>>21871622, >>21871628 We just WON our lawsuit against the AZ Secretary of State for illegally withholding his list of the 218K+ registered voters who did not provide proof of citizenship
>>21871913 Central Texas Democrat Party Official Caught in Campaign Sign Shenanigans
>>21871929 @DC_Draino: Trump campaign not only sent a letter to CO SoS demanding she halt processing of mail ballots with machines whose passwords were leaked. But they also notified her thatwhat she did is a Class 5 felony
>>21871998 Jamie Raskin's Plan To Object A President Trump Electoral Victory No Matter What Another Color Revolution 13:40
>21872008 Democrats' Mass Censorship Strategy Of MAGA Voices. CISA, FBI etc crawling all over the place in elections
>>21872037 Steve Bannon Prepares For Marc Elias Full-Scale Push Against A President Trump Victory 10:22
>>21872043 Arkansas Voting Machine won’t Allow the Selection of Donald Trump, switches it to Kamala Harris 0:18
>>21872659 Judge Orders Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State to Release List of 218,000 Registered Voters Who Did Not Provide Proof of Citizenship
>>21872722 Governor Lombardo Activates Nevada National Guard For Election Day
>>21872917, >>21873064, >>21873094 Colorado SoS Jena Griswold says employee responsible for posting voting equipment passwords is gone
>>21872947 Grace Chong: Check Your Ballot Status – Ensure It’s Accepted
>>21873072 AZ election winning: 218K+ registered voters who did not provide proof of citizenship
>>21873240 Indiana election shenanigans
>>21873251 A poll worker in Dallas, Texas, found a piece of paper with login passwords for election machines just lying on the ground
>>21873270 Harris Campaign is soliciting funds from foreign nationals using 501C 4 funding loophole
>>21873440 J6 political prisoners not allowed to vote, while wardens allowed everyone else to
>>21873458 Third County in PA Find Fraudulent Mail Ballot Request Forms — DA and General Office Investigating
>>21873462 Kentucky touchscreen voting machine doesn't detect Trump-Vance vote
>>21875717 Poll workers HATE TRANSPARENCY!
>>21875130 Wisconsin StopBogusBallots Team Challenges Over 150K Addresses including 4,900 in Milwaukee
>>21875203 15 of the 19 Addresses Tied To One Voter ID In Detroit, Michigan
>>21875640 “I’ve had my friends hand-deliver stuff to him,” Stephen Richer, the Maricopa County, Ariz. recorder, told CNN.
>21875694 "We didn't do anything wrong and you can take that to the bank," Lindell said. "I just want to help save our country."
>>21875947 Trump-Vance Campaign Files FEC Complaint Against the Kamala Campaign and The Washington Post
>>21876917 A federal judge in Ohio blocks motion - will require voters to show proof of citizenship to vote
>>21876925, >>21876926 USPS quietly issued a last minute directive preventing the imaging of mail-in ballots
>>21876938 What is “The Union Print Shop?” founded by CEO of FieldCorp under investigation for printing fraudulent registrations in PA
>>21876989 BALLOTS MISSING In Muskegon Co, MI After US Postal Box Break-In
>>21877013, >>21877052 Directive 5240.01: A Threat to American Liberty By: Jeffrey Clark

Election Shenanigans 4 of 4 (added 11/2/2024 4:00 PM EDT)
>>21877253 CISA Launches #PROTECT2024 Election Threat Updates Webpage
>>21877622 Georgia county sued over delay in mailing out US absentee ballots
>>21877843, >>21878063 5hr+ Wait Times to Vote Early in Bucks County, PA -- Election Officials Did Bare Minimum to Comply with Court Order
>>21878465 Supreme Court says Pennsylvania voters whose mail ballots are rejected can still have votes counted
>>21878951 Florida tells DOJ their election monitors are not permitted inside polling place
>>21879183, >>21879213 National Guard activated in two states: WA State Governor activates National Guard to support public safety during 2024 election
>>21879234 Pennsylvania Supreme Court has just ruled that ballots without the correct date are NOT allowed to be counted
>>21879238 Levittown, PA, in Bucks County---voters are being forced to stand in line for hours and now to vote outside in the dark. Yesterday, voters were using their phone lights to see at the booth
>>21880334, >>21880356 Justice Department to Monitor Polls in 27 States for Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws
>>21880347 Georgia county says more than 3,000 absentee ballots being mailed late just days before election
>>21880357 James Blair: See you in court Fulton County
>>21880396 Election infrastructure has 'never been more secure,' CISA chief says
>>21881109 BREAKING: The Colorado Libertarian Party just sued to force the entire state to decommission all voting machines and move to a total hand count of the ballots after Jena Griswold LEAKED the passwords
>>21881667 ‘This Is A Massive Scandal’: GOP Suspects Foreign Donations Fueling Democrats
>>21881831 4 House Dems to Social Media: Disclose Post-election Plans
Last edited:

We just WON our lawsuit against the AZ Secretary of State for illegally withholding his list of the 218K+ registered voters who did not provide proof of citizenship.
He must produce his complete list of these voters by MONDAY --- before Election Day.


Sarge I'm all for koombaya, we're all Americans, some like yourself IMHO with the well deserved moral authority to tell me I'm wrong, but if someone has been an adult for the past 8 years and still doesn't understand whats going on, or worse, agree with it, I'm not so sure I want to break bread with them any longer.

At some point we're going to all be forced to admit the country is hopelessly split on basic fundamental ideals: liberal globalists with no allegiance to anything who desire no responsibility or accountability for their actions, and conservative patriots, and yes, Good vs. Evil.

We can continue to hold out hope as we have for decades, turn the other cheek, and silently watch it go irreparably to shit, or we can plant the flag and say "NOPE it stops here"

'Sarge' doesn't disagree with you at all.
'Sarge' still thinks things could turn around.
'Sarge' also believes that we are running out of time.
'Sarge' is CERTAINLY no morale authority on shit.
'Sarge' doesn't sing.
Also, if 'Sarge' wanted to, I could arm my entire f*****g block and hold for a long time and yes, that includes bayonets.

Well, use to be able to, until that damn boating accident..... :rofl:
'Sarge' doesn't disagree with you at all.
'Sarge' still thinks things could turn around.
'Sarge' also believes that we are running out of time.
'Sarge' is CERTAINLY no morale authority on shit.
'Sarge' doesn't sing.
Also, if 'Sarge' wanted to, I could arm my entire f*****g block and hold for a long time and yes, that includes bayonets.

Well, use to be able to, until that damn boating accident..... :rofl:

I hope you know I meant that with tremendous respect. Anyone who is or has served has gobs of moral authority in my book.
I doubt the defendant will comply.


We just WON our lawsuit against the AZ Secretary of State for illegally withholding his list of the 218K+ registered voters who did not provide proof of citizenship.
He must produce his complete list of these voters by MONDAY --- before Election Day.

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