US Elections (& Politics) :)

You will own nothing and be happy:


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and would the NFL do the same for any hat, shirt, button, poster, or anything else that said Harris ???
stand up ..

and would the NFL do the same for any hat, shirt, button, poster, or anything else that said Harris ???
If they do fine Bosa I'd LOVE for a GoFundMe be set up to pay that fine for him. Not that he can't afford it but to show support that there's a lot of people that support his you said, how many times in the past several years have we endured all kinds of social statements made on the back of players' helmets? And the no-action by the NFL of players kneeling instead of standing for the National Anthem?

Is it because those that participate in the statement-wearing and the no-standing are of a certain race? Go ahead....prove me wrong. :rolleyes:
Haha, you have to be an "Office Space" fan to appreciate this.

Megyn's halloween costume, I'll bet many others had the same idea.

Look, I admit that I loved watching all the episodes of Seinfeld. And it's great that he is speaking out against woke culture b/c it now affects him through his kids. However, he needs to understand that it's going to continue spiraling out of control until he quits participating in electing liberals that push this s**t. You can't have it both ways chief.

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I can't find it now, but someone here wrote about Costo or Sams running low on items. You know what, no matter what the outcome is on election day, I do believe that there are going to be mass demonstrations, which really means riots. Might be wise to get a few extra rolls of tp and paper towels and you know, stuff you can actually eat.

I hope to God it doesn't come to this, but the mudslinging is just moments away from turning into blood shed. It has reached a fever pitch and is about to boil over. I am generally a glass half-full, positive type of man but right now my fun meter is in the red. IMO, both sides are guilty, however, I will put the initial and continual blame SQUARELY on the current administration and Demonturd leaders for letting it get out of hand.

God help us all and our Country.

I am older now, and supposedly wiser. And I do not partake in conspiracy theories, or do I wear foil hats or underwear. Somehow, I think a real life version of the 'Purge' just might happen, to a much smaller degree of course, no matter the election results. I hope and pray I am wrong.

Remember this:
