US Elections (& Politics) :)

I read that this guy had Peanuts for 7 years. Hardly a wild animal. Government gone wild.
Bro, It's not a wild animal, it's that man's good friend. The gov killed the little squirrel is really waste of tax payers money, if they do their Job as good as killing a little squirrel on border control, there will be no illeagle immigrants. Anyway so sad to that little squirrel.
I literally haven’t watched MSM news in I dunno, 10 years? Sure a special news event now and then , but I quickly switch over to online and get real reporting.
Statistics I have come across include ~83% of evangelicals will not vote. Let that sink in; roughly 83%. If that number dropped down to below 50, we would be looking at a drastically different scenario. How can people be so complacent and dumb? Do they not understand what is at stake here?? People fought for the freedom and ability to vote in our leaders and they’re just gonna pee it away?

Between the campaign money spent, the cheating that has been perfected, open borders (for votes), I just don’t see this ending well. Makes me wonder if the entire election goes blue. The only thing I see the right hanging onto would be a possible Senate majority. Dear Lord I hope I am wrong. People need to urgently get out and vote like it’s the last time you will be able to. And it very well could be…
She's 100% fake and pretty close to clinically fucking stupid. If you vote for her, its not simply a choice in preferences or platforms, its not possible to make an intelligent factual argument for voting for Kumswala. She's the ultimate DEI candidate with no accomplishments and no valid benefits. She is a placeholder, stupid enough to do as she's told, nothing more.

Amazing how Democrats will throw away any resemblance of honesty and integrity and vote/promote/endorse whatever slab of meat that's put up as their candidate. They simply dont have the mental capacity or critical thinking skills to be able to consider the results of their actions.

Democrats by and large have no morality or integrity, and lack the ability to see past "right now". They have the emotional maturity of 12 year old girls.

Remember the 4 Tenants of Liberalism
1- Hypocrisy is embraced, Lying is a way of life
2- No personal Responsibility
3- No Accountability for ones actions
4- More Free shit for me

TCM and old black and white movies. No machine guns or bleating hearts! (Pun)
Hogans Heroes, Green Acres, Andy Griffith (black and white episodes only), Three Stooges, and the kiddos shows are what help me to keep sanity. If I watch any news it is local for weather. Any other news comes from Newsmax, Sky News, and of course, here. :cool: