US Elections (& Politics) :)

My brother suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. I'd be in favor of deporting him to somewhere in Europe. :wave:
You have two big problems that aren't easily or quickly solved.

1- literally something close to 1/2 of the population are so utterly brainwashed that their very lives depend on being fed almost daily reaffirming propaganda to be able to cope with the conflicting reality they see with their own eyes. Going on a decade (or more) of lies have been forced down their throats daily by MSM, their communist education systems, and by an unimaginably corrupt government, and they have come to believe it as gospel. They believe you and I and Trump are evil to the core and are out to destroy them and eat their young with the same conviction that you and I believe water is wet or fire is hot. You can't change or get through to these people, they have lost or lack basic human reasoning and critical thinking skills and simply cannot comprehend what we know to be closer* to the truth. Frankly, and I know this sounds, brutal, but they will simply have to be allowed to die out. They are not salvageable productive citizens who can live in a free and open society.. We'll be forced to put up with them for a generation.

2- The "Deep State" exists. Its quite real. We've been lied to and generally speaking the country has been run by it for likely 50+ years. Kennedy, 7 days before he was assassinated, publicly stated as much and vowed to destroy it. They wont go away on their own, and no amount of "voting" will solve it.

* I say that with sincerity. What you and I believe, and think we know, may be closer to the truth, but even we dont fully comprehend the depravity, corruption, and pure evil of those who pull the strings.
Agreed, my comment is, EXPOSE the Deep State, you don't have to try and get rid of them, just let the world know who they are and their corrupt ways. Expose their System. Yes, the Snowflakes on the Left will be oblivious, but as you mentioned, they are only one generation, well maybe two.

The key, IMO, is our Educational System needs a Huge Overhaul...Charlie Kirk is doing a great job in exposing the present day college scam. If we don't do anything here, more Snowflakes will continue to pour out...
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I’d take it one step further. Increase the penalty for crossing the border illegally to a felony (if you cross illegally into Mexico it is a felony), increase the penalty for illegally voting to a gross misdemeanor and prohibit those who are non-citizens from voting in any election: state and local elections are not exempt because they receive federal funding.
I’d take it one step further. Increase the penalty for crossing the border illegally to a felony (if you cross illegally into Mexico it is a felony), increase the penalty for illegally voting to a gross misdemeanor and prohibit those who are non-citizens from voting in any election: state and local elections are not exempt because they receive federal funding.
Hopefully now this can be enforced:

The constitution already says only citizens can vote. But the only way to enforce this if you make Voter ID mandatory. So the democrats lost this time because of eyes and ears everywhere in swing states, which requires some form of ID requirement.

In CA anyone can vote and I hear many voted multiple times. This will not happen if you have voter ID and like Vivek said to Tucker that in Puerto Rico he saw people finger with ink after voting. Most of the countries around the world follow this.

Trump should make election integrity his top personal priority. Let the others like Elon, Vivek, RFK handle the rest of the jobs they are assigned, they are all on their respective missions and are all top of their game.

But election integrity and what happened to 2020 should be overseen by Trump. This will be justice for all the J6 patriots and the legal voters.

Screw all the unity, all those who participated in election fraud should be sent to jail for the rest of their lives.

J6 defendants and Trump never had a chance in DC
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As I said, REDDIT seems to be a home for acne problem adolescents who have no chance of ever getting laid and who can’t pass 8th grade math. I see nothing approaching value there. It’s a dark place for the emotionally immature to hide
You know I got to thinking, what is Biden thinking about now. I understand, he is not all there, he has the same look on his face that my Dad had prior to him passing. But, he still has some cognitive thoughts. Maybe :)

Anyway, put your self in his shoes, he was forcefully removed from the campaign, being told she would do better than him against Trump. She did not even win One Swing State, nor the Popular Vote. It really is sad what his party did to him, throwing him under the Bus...
The key, IMO, is our Educational System needs a Huge Overhaul...Charlie Kirk is doing a great job in exposing the present day college scam. If we don't do anything here, more Snowflakes will continue to pour out...

The college scam is coming to a head far faster than most people realize. Thanks to ChatGPT and other AI software, cheating in liberal arts courses is approaching 100%. Universities are in a complete panic. You think a liberal arts degree is worthless now? Just wait a few years when the person with a 4.0 from an elite private university won't be able to read or write at an 8th grade level because an AI chatbot did all their work from high school through college.

Very soon now, most college degrees will have zero economic value, because no one will trust them. You might as well print out your own diploma. And when that happens, the in-class university indoctrination becomes moot, because people will stop attending them.
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