US Elections (& Politics) :)

MI, AZ, NV, PA, all stealing House and Senate seats.

The biggest problem we've had all along, no offense to Trump, are the traitors, frauds and grifters in Congress who allocate the money.

I wonder if America will ever wake up to this or forever be wrapped up in the Red Team/Blue Team charade.
Its not a fucking football game. Voting for your same home team congress critter time after time is the #1 reason we are where we are.

They're laughing at you

As of this moment, The Hill has Trump with 213 House seats. He only needs 5 more for the majority at 218. They are forecasting 221 seats for Trump. I just pray that this holds up.

Edit: One Arizona house seat is dead even. It is in the Southeast corner of the state. The other one has Trump ahead a skosh.
Did you know there are 3 people up for becoming the new Senate leader. (Fortunately the traitor from Kentucky Mitch McConnell is giving it up)
The Senate picks their own leader.

Two are complete RINOs who have even in recent days condemned and attacked Trump

The other is Rick Scott from FL who supports Trump

Guess which ones the Traitors in the US Senate will likely vote for
If I asked you who was single-handedly responsible for approving the bill that allows the US government Intel agencies to spy on American citizens at will without any warrant, who do you think it would be?

,.... thats right, Mike Johnson, the Republican Speaker of the House. He was the tie breaking vote

They're laughing at you
Breaking news!President Donald J Trump release his video detailing how he is going to dismantle the deep state!

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