US Elections (& Politics) :)

I wanted to pick ALL the Emojis for that one since they all apply, LOL, with the last one of anger for what we have all endured these last 4 years of hell here in the states. With all of the funny money printed and inflation through the roof, add 8,000 criminals Crooked Joe just pardoned with the other millions that were let in with our open borders. I could go on, but don't need to anymore, Thank You Trump!!! We have Peace upon us now...

Maybe. Hopefully the left isn't petty enough to purposely do that. After all these incidents of sabotage it's made me sceptical. Hopefully that stuff will come to an end.
Back in 1964 LBJ with the help of the Republicans, passed the Civil Rights Bill.
LBJ stated {paraphrased) "That will keep them voting for us for 50 years".

DJT opened back up Tic Toc. That will keep them voting right ....... for a while.
Does it feel yet like the last 16 years of the libtard stench might be coming to an end?
I see Trump has his fuck you Brandon binder in his hand at Capital One Arena.
Massive arrests for treason just on your say? What makes you think I'm a commie... because you say so off the top of your fascist thinking head... shut the fuck up and wait to see what happens
HA HA HA HA, I must have struck a nerve, but truth does that, doesn't it. I didn't say you were a Commie, I said Commie sympathizer. But I guess I should have known to call you a fascist moron, that is the Libtard playbook thing to do isn't it, name calling and accusing others of your own misdeeds. And no not on my word. It only takes one or even a few to be charged with overt acts of treason, many others will be guilty of misprison of treason. I agree, let's see what happens, and keep your yap shut too. It's better to keep it shut and be thought a fool than to spew your TDS and remove all doubt.
What a shame.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
