Known around here
I'm a Trump fan and voter. The last few days have been nothing short of historic.
BUT: I can still think for myself
Two things I dont agree with that seem to be on auto pilot are the FISA 702 bill (which lost bigly today) and this new Stargate Larry Ellison blabbed about in the press conference yesterday. It involves speeding up development of mRNA vaccines.
Not only NO but FUCK NO.
Trump needs to rethink this and get on the right side of history or sacrifice his entire administration
I'm a Trump fan and voter. The last few days have been nothing short of historic.
BUT: I can still think for myself
Two things I dont agree with that seem to be on auto pilot are the FISA 702 bill (which lost bigly today) and this new Stargate Larry Ellison blabbed about in the press conference yesterday. It involves speeding up development of mRNA vaccines.
Not only NO but FUCK NO.
Trump needs to rethink this and get on the right side of history or sacrifice his entire administration

Court Rules Warrantless Section 702 Searches Violated the Fourth Amendment | American Civil Liberties Union
BROOKLYN, N.Y. — In a long-awaited ruling in United States v. Hasbajrami, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York last night held...

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