US Elections (& Politics) :)

Damn, when's the last time we had two great days in a row in America? I turn the news on and don't have the usual feeling like I need to take a giant dump. What a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
I am with you, no more restless sleep of playing out in my head how I will handle the Commies when they came for us Patriots. Man it got close though, we were all on their list, then add the braindead clueless Libtards cheering them on, doing their bidding. Now I know what Nazi Germany must of been like, SS lovers turning in neighbors/citizens opposed to their Evil them false promises.

Did anyone get their college loan relief Biden promised?
Damn, when's the last time we had two great days in a row in America? I turn the news on and don't have the usual feeling like I need to take a giant dump. What a wonderful day in the neighborhood.

That's good! Glad you're enjoying it! I think Trump had an even better two days than you, although he doesn't seem to know anything about it.... here he is an hour ago:

View attachment IMG_4165 - Copy.MP4

And Melania is getting in on the action too!
If your talking latin american uneducated workforce in the skills trades, I'd say yes to what you are saying. He's really talking about skills that require Math and Science, and culture within American education for the reason we score pretty low these days.
I have an additional point of view about this. When I was working in my high tech job I worked with a lot of engineers from India. Just like other ethnic groups, there was a distribution of talent from not-so-bright to brilliant. The way it affected me was that they were mostly unattached males who were able to make the job their whole life. It was darn hard to compete against this and be a husband and father at the same time. Regardless of any talent comparisons, I could never give to the job the amount of time they had available.
Can't wait for American army to make another appearance in Mexico but this time to crush the terrorist cartels. Been a minute since our last trip there.
Baron: "Did you forget your diaper Joe? There's poop running down to your shoe"
Barron may be our president one day...
It is so nice to wake up and read GOOD AND POSITIVE items in the news, for once. I am not sure what normal is, but I know it surrounds this President and the actions he takes. I'm good with that. God Bless and Protect our Country!