US Elections (& Politics) :)

NEW: Elon Musk just revealed that the government handed the Navy $12 billion to build new submarines—and not a single submarine was built.
When investigators asked where the money went, Navy officials shrugged and said they had no idea.

“There’s a case where I think Senator Collins was telling me about how she gave the Navy $12 billion for more submarines, got no extra submarines, and then held a hearing to say where the $12 billion go.“And they were like, we don’t know. That was it.

I mean, basically, stuff is so crazy. Only the federal government could get away with this level of waste,” Musk said.

I'm not so sure about the 100% claim but I'm sure they play a role in many of these. Doesn't sound like the "gender-affirming" drugs are doing very well either.

I was never impressed with him when the whole war started and he shows up in front of our elected officials in a hoody/sweats or whatever it was he was wearing and they were bending over backwards to throw him money.

I'll admit the initial impression I got before I did any research was a good one, beginning with his statement, something to the effect of: "He didnt need help evacuating, he needed ammunition"

As time went on it became clear to anyone he had a coke problem and he loved American $ a little too much. Much of which has gone missing

Regardless of the cause and blame, the war has grown into something most just can no longer support. Its become clear he, and likely many Euro war pigs as well as our own, want to drag NATO into a shooting confrontation over a corrupt country that we have no business in and could very well lead to the exchange of nuclear weapons. Trump knows this and is cutting that possibility off at the knees.
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