But I don't get it....if pretty much all Democraps voted against it and all RINOs voted for it but it's basically the Biden budget something is not making a hell of a lot of sense to me. The uniparty just messing with us? Massie voted with the Demoncraps?
But I don't get it....if pretty much all Democraps voted against it and all RINOs voted for it but it's basically the Biden budget something is not making a hell of a lot of sense to me.
I know I'm a broken record on this. The demp don't vote based on WHAT the issue is, but rather on WHO it's for. For most of the Trump things that the dems are screaming doom about, they'd be praising if Obama or Biden had wanted the same thing.
But I don't get it....if pretty much all Democraps voted against it and all RINOs voted for it but it's basically the Biden budget something is not making a hell of a lot of sense to me. The uniparty just messing with us? Massie voted with the Demoncraps?