US Elections (& Politics) :)

If Biden wins, fair and square, hats off to him. No hate here. Sure a lot of joking, he is an easy target. :) But in life things don't always go like we want.

Agree. But IF he wins, 'fair and square', I just don't believe there will be any 'fair and square' to this election, on both sides (more so demontards though). I'd like to say I will not hate on him....but he truly is corrupt and EVERYTHING I stand politicians. Don't even get me started on 'GS' jobs......
Yeah you were with me most of the night/morning. Think I went to bed around 2am...:)
yea, Supper stressing waiting on the results.
more PPP from biden. but His vision is not great for USA. The money does not worth it.
I think I went to bed around the same time.
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There was no point to staying up late or all night since it was so obvious that a final count won't be available until the weekend at best. This has got to be the worst election this country has ever seen. The rules changing from day to day in too many States, counting votes with no signature, counting late votes, slow walking vote counting and the list goes on and on. The primary reason Philly won't have their vote count done is that they need to wait to see how many votes they need to insure Creepy, Sleepy, Crooked Joe and Komrada need to win. The whole thing is a sham and I am more than disgusted and discouraged, seeing our Republic being destroyed like this.
There was no point to staying up late or all night since it was so obvious that a final count won't be available until the weekend at best. This has got to be the worst election this country has ever seen. The rules changing from day to day in too many States, counting votes with no signature, counting late votes, slow walking vote counting and the list goes on and on. The primary reason Philly won't have their vote count done is that they need to wait to see how many votes they need to insure Creepy, Sleepy, Crooked Joe and Komrada need to win. The whole thing is a sham and I am more than disgusted and discouraged, seeing our Republic being destroyed like this.
We all know how crooked the dems are and were.
PA just announced some Military votes won't be counted until next week. Yeah since this is so tight, this will go on into next week. Need to send Trump some of our Texas "Come and Take It" flags to hang on the White House :)

I don't have the time to type it all out at the moment, but if you tune in to Rush Limbaugh, it'll probably make you feel better.
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Right, but the damage done between now and then could be drastic....
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Trump's chances for re-election are dropping rapidly. I think WI and MI are lost to Biden. I think he can retain PA, NC, and GA. The only chance Trump has is to flip Nevada. he is only 7,600 votes back there, and about a third of the vote is still out. If he flips NV, he wins.
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Noticed that Nevada was pending

someone do the math
Can both candidates reach 270? At this point it will be based on the higher number then, right?
Noticed that Nevada was pending

someone do the math
Can both candidates reach 270? At this point it will be based on the higher number then, right?
you could have a 269 tie--- then the vote goes to the House of Pelosi.
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The interesting thing about Michigan is that so far there are around 200,000 more votes cast than there are registered voters. What could possibly go wrong with mailing ballots to everyone on the voting roles and allowing early voting and in person voting? The law suits will drag this out for weeks, or even months.

I am ashamed of what this Republic has become. This election makes the US the laughing stock of the world and the Dimowits just keep going with more and more fraudulent ways to gin up their vote count. They don't care what they have to do to make sure they have power in perpetuity.

There is a little bit of a bright side though. Once again the pollsters were a mile off. The "blue wave" isn't actually much of a trickle overall. Now those pollsters are blaming the Trump voters for their failure. It seems that as dumb as a Trump voter is purported to be they are still smarter than a pollster.