Known around here
Give them time, theyre printing ballots as fast as they can
They ran out of tonerGive them time, theyre printing ballots as fast as they can
When Your have JOE who is CCP puppy this will happen, they do not care for anything other than winning no matter what the cost is to them. I Doubt JOE winning.Things don't seem right. When I went to bed yesterday alot of red States. When I woke up they were all blue .
US Election looks Like more Chinese style . Ouch
HaHa, Nothing new under the sun here, I think its just at a massive scale we never saw before, who is going to take the time now and handpick every ballot, with technology perhaps that might be possible but as the clock is ticking here and the main stream media and swamp people start calling for Trump to concede, it does not look good for Trump.Some dead voting going on in Michigan. 118 year old man voted absentee, you can check on their voter information site yourself to verify.
William Bradley from Wayne County, Michigan, voted for Joe Biden. William Bradley died in 1984.
According to so-called voting totals, Joe Biden is the most popular presidential candidate in the history of this nation.
I can't get enough from Ben, he brings us hope...:
Michigan USPS ‘Insider’ Delivers Testimony Of ‘Shady’ Postmark Scheme To Handstamp ‘Nov. 3’ On Late Ballots … Calls On Other Post Office Workers: ‘If They See Anything Shady To Report It’ … Michigan Law Forbids Votes Past 8 P.M. Election Day | Projec
Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private