The thing that pisses me of about all this kind of crap is that the "IG" is going to investigate. By the time that is done it'll be 2024. It's a stacked to keep anyone from getting into trouble or assigning blame/responsibility. The system is rigged, top to bottom.
lol at the thought of the DNC being able to pull off effective voter fraud on a national campaign by meddling at a district level. Have you seen how ineffective and disorganized the DNC is? we lost, move on, America will be here in the morning, and will be here for another 244 years.
Took a couple of seats in the house tho, thats nice.
lol at the thought of the DNC being able to pull off effective voter fraud on a national campaign by meddling at a district level. Have you seen how ineffective and disorganized the DNC is? we lost, move on, America will be here in the morning, and will be here for another 244 years.
Took a couple of seats in the house tho, thats nice.
I would not underestimate any one party controlled state. I am not ready to throw the towel in yet. One thing is for sure, Trump has dealt with many "Against all Odds" issues during his Presidency, I don't see why this would be any different. I think everyone here agrees if Trump fairly loses, then the reins are passed on, but the Big issue here is "Fairly".
Will a recount change anything, most likely not. Fraud would have to be proven or the ballots dismissed that came in after Election Day would need to be over turned in the Supreme Court, now with 9 justices, with 8, PA was not forced to change this policy. Problem there is how can the separate the ballots already counted to know which ones came in after Election Day? Fraud is also unlikely to win in court. It looks like mail-in ballots failed us and Coronavirus was used to blanket the alleged fraud.
lol at the thought of the DNC being able to pull off effective voter fraud on a national campaign by meddling at a district level. Have you seen how ineffective and disorganized the DNC is? we lost, move on, America will be here in the morning, and will be here for another 244 years.
Took a couple of seats in the house tho, thats nice.
Has nothing to do with the national DNC, this is done at state/local level in one party controlled areas. The integrity of US elections are now in question. If this was Romney or McCain, they would bow out, as most Republicans would do, but if the outcome was the opposite, democrats would be going crazy filling suits, etc. and have the media on their side. Win or lose, Trump will shine a light on the potential fraud in our elections.
lol at the thought of the DNC being able to pull off effective voter fraud on a national campaign by meddling at a district level. Have you seen how ineffective and disorganized the DNC is? we lost, move on, America will be here in the morning, and will be here for another 244 years.
Took a couple of seats in the house tho, thats nice.
I am not done hoping yet. Mr. President FIGHT. Fight like the countries survival depends on it...and in some aspects, it does. I know you are have fought the good fight for 4 years...far more then ALL the other presidents combined have...and you still took care of America. Just a few more months Mr. President, FIGHT, FIGHT LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER FOUGHT BEFORE.
For the first time in my life, I TRULY believe we are looking at A RIGGED ELECTION, from so many aspects it is hard to name them all. What made us different from other countries, was the fairness of our election process. Not anymore, we have now joined the status of the rest of the corrupt, 3rd World Nations.... The flags should be flying upside down...our way of life IS IN DISTRESS.
Anyone else find it strange about NV results. Tues they said they would release results yesterday. Yesterday they said all mail in and in person votes were counted, but they won't release until today. No reason given. The person in charge blamed the confusion on his lack of sleep. Ok, so if new results were in yesterday, why not release them yesterday?
Anyone else find it strange about NV results. Tues they said they would release results yesterday. Yesterday they said all mail in and in person votes were counted, but they won't release until today. No reason given. The person in charge blamed the confusion on his lack of sleep. Ok, so if new results were in yesterday, why not release them yesterday?
I mean, I won't discount the possibility of fraud, its definitely possible. We where all the lawsuits go, what are the specific claims and what is their evidence. I'm a reasonable person willing to listen to reason.
The "the countries survival depends" on Trump is absurd. I don't like Biden, I didn't vote for Biden. But I doubt he will be sacrificing babies on Satan's altar to hasten America's demise. The histrionics and pearl clutching is a bit much.
Cheating on the district/precinct level, in a few precincts is one thing. When done statewide and in multiple states in the same election it becomes quite significant. Especially with the margins down in the less than 100,000 vote range in many states. Once again, it demonstrates that the entire voting system being used is not worth the paper we used to cast our votes on. There is no way to audit the vote accurately. When we voted, there was no way to time stamp the ballot, itself, to indicate what day, at what time and where it was received. With a voting machine those parameters are attached to every vote. This is totally, and utterly, complete bullshit. The US is supposed to lead the way, this is worse than a third world nation run by Borat.
Given that the Republicans will probably control the Senate, Biden will use Executive Orders to do a number of very destructive things. I don't think he'll make a year in office before Komrada takes over. She will also use Executive Orders to continue the destruction at an an even higher level. If that doesn't worry you I don't know what would.
I would agree. America's voting system is rickety and not adequate. The fact that ballots can be lost or (or be marked invalid for trivialities) is f-ed up. If you put the date on the signature line and the signature on the date line, does your vote count? DEPENDS on where you are.
Given that the Republicans will probably control the Senate, Biden will use Executive Orders to do a number of very destructive things. I don't think he'll make a year in office before Komrada takes over. She will also use Executive Orders to continue the destruction an an even higher level. If that doesn't worry you I don't know what would.
Guaranteed that Biden will be suck with doing EOs. After 2 years of only EOs, we can gain back control of the house by saying "look, he has achieved nothing legislatively". Obama really started with the EOs, Trump has been not afraid to use them, I am sure Biden won't hold back. Overreach of the executive for sure.
Also yea, both candidates are geezers (sorry, geezers). I can't really see Biden going for a second term as a 81 year old.
With mass mail-in voting, not sure if they can track back from signature to ballot. If it comes out of the mail-in envelope, is the signature (and possible witness sig) on the actual ballot or seperate paper, are both bar coded, etc? Never absentee voted, so I'm ignorant about the process.
When I went to vote in-person in California all they required was me telling them my name and address, and signature. The found me on the list in relation to my home address, and then required my signature. They did not require an ID. Meaning really anyone could vote in my place.
The short answer is that they can't track anything back except in rare cases. Even then, it's like trying to hit a bullet with another bullet from a mile away, blindfolded with a gusting 20MPH crosswind. Even if they could audit votes can you imagine how long that might take to do for major number of votes.
OS, your signature should have verified it was you.
With mass mail-in voting, not sure if they can track back from signature to ballot. If it comes out of the mail-in envelope, is the signature (and possible witness sig) on the actual ballot or seperate paper, are both bar coded, etc? Never absentee voted, so I'm ignorant about the process.
In Minnesota there are 3 envelopes. The first one has the address/postage. The inner one has the signaure/witness signature/barcodes/date/tracking numbers, etc (each absentee ballot is sent by the district and serialized). This is how you can track it online, this is where they compare signatures to ones on file, validate that the ballot is legit, etc. Once this is validated, then the inner inner envelope is sent on to another part of the process to be opened (and not tracked, the way you voted is secret)
Of course to the above point, this varies across states and is generally not consistent. Minnesota has a good system, but I'm likely to be tootin my own horn here.
I mean, I won't discount the possibility of fraud, its definitely possible. We where all the lawsuits go, what are the specific claims and what is their evidence. I'm a reasonable person willing to listen to reason.
The "the countries survival depends" on Trump is absurd. I don't like Biden, I didn't vote for Biden. But I doubt he will be sacrificing babies on Satan's altar to hasten America's demise. The histrionics and pearl clutching is a bit much.
Absurd? Really? The integrity of our nation is online and that is 'absurd'? Where do you live Hetticles? You ever been to or lived in a 3rd world country?
So let me put it another way to you: It isn't about President Trump...but HE is the only one that will do anything about it. Win or loose, I still hope he digs his heels in and exposes the truth...legally exposes the truth. Although, we already know what the truth is. Biden didn't do shit to get elected. He didn't have to.
Another little saving grace is the fact that President Trump has appointed three Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court. Whether it's Sleepy, Creepy, Crooked Joe or Komrada with the Executive Orders I'm pretty sure there will be legal challenges filed immediately to stop them. Some will be stopped, but I fear those that won't be. The economic health of the Nation is at stake here, not to mention the Constitution.
Absurd? Really? The integrity of our nation is online and that is 'absurd'? Where do you live Hetticles? You ever been to or lived in a 3rd world country?
So let me put it another way to you: It isn't about President Trump...but HE is the only one that will do anything about it. Win or loose, I still hope he digs his heels in and exposes the truth...legally exposes the truth. Although, we already know what the truth is. Biden didn't do shit to get elected. He didn't have to.
yes, suggesting that America will crumble because Trump didn't get re-elected is absurd. Trump is not my savior, I answer to someone higher.
I don't know about you, but I live in America, and I will be a proud American no matter what. I'm not going to abandon my principals, I will not abandon my country. I'm not going to eat my dog or whatever memes people were posting earlier. I just will dislike the president (strongly)
I'm going to continue to love living my life, my family, God, and find joy in it.
We need to see what the merits of the fraud accusations are, and yea keep fighting it if there is merit. Some dudes posting videos to youtube is not a legal strategy, we have courts and justice, not mob rule. Let the justice system turn.
American politics is toxic, calling doom because we lost an election is toxic. Every time the president flips parties people say the same thing. The SC is stacked with conservative justices, it'll be fine. The sun will rise tomorrow.
I'm sort of enjoying paying 1.89 for gas because we are energy independent. If you don't mind going back to 4.00, then yeah, no big deal, life goes on.