US Elections (& Politics) :)

Laughing stock of world she was and she will be.
Waste of her childhood
What is sad here is the child abuse, in my opinion, using/exploiting children to push an agenda of which the child has no idea what they are even pushing. Been seeing more and more of this kind of abuse these days...
What is sad here is the child abuse, in my opinion, using/exploiting children to push an agenda of which the child has no idea what they are even pushing. Been seeing more and more of this kind of abuse these days...
My concern is that why should we go green when we are not sure of how good the green system is.
The hype is good but far from reality.
At the same time green deal allowed China to emit as much emissions as USA started emitting back in the day till now.
far outrageous
My concern is that why should we go green when we are not sure of how good the green system is.
The hype is good but far from reality.
At the same time green deal allowed China to emit as much emissions as USA started emitting back in the day till now.
far outrageous
That is why I chose the word Agenda. I question motives on just about everything now a days. If we went by what is thrown at us, like the Polls, we would believe Anything...
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Now imagine she gets a chance to meet Joe Biden in the Oval Office :rofl:

What is sad here is the child abuse, in my opinion, using/exploiting children to push an agenda of which the child has no idea what they are even pushing. Been seeing more and more of this kind of abuse these days...
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I bet the snow flakes did not do the math on how much their bills will add up to by going green.
At this stage liberals just say “ you don’t care about the environment” without backing it with any statement either the investment worths it. Will we have reliable energy etc.
Why should only we “US citizens” pay the price to save the world.
I bet Europe was damn happy for trump coming out of the crazy deal.
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Georgia is going to drag on and on forever, recounts, etc. It may tip either way but its not gonna be the deciding factor, IMO.
PA will be interesting. I understand that most of the counting remains in the more populated counties, which tend to be more blue. Wonder if it will be decisive enough to call it tonight.

Anyone catch that WH press event?... that was... sure.. something.
Yeah PA is officially the most corrupt state in the Union.

Trump hasnt budged in over 24 hours and Biden has found 700,000 more votes
Yeah PA is officially the most corrupt state in the Union.

Trump hasnt budged in over 24 hours and Biden has found 700,000 more votes
Trump has actually gained votes in PA, which is why I think this is interesting considering the denser counties are essentially the ones left. If there were zero votes, then I'd be a lot more on the fraud bandwagon...

2 hours ago it was:
  • Trump 3,262,491 49.99%
  • Biden 3,188,880 48.86%
  • 6,526,381 votes counted
58 minutes ago:
  • Trump 3,267,871 49.9% (+0.9)
  • Biden 3,209,583 49.0%
  • 6,552,801 votes counted
PA has fracking, coal mines and vote mines. They'll keep digging up Biden votes, a rich vein is in Philadelphia County.
Trump has actually gained votes in PA, which is why I think this is interesting considering the denser counties are essentially the ones left. If there were zero votes, then I'd be a lot more on the fraud bandwagon...

2 hours ago it was:
  • Trump 3,262,491 49.99%
  • Biden 3,188,880 48.86%
  • 6,526,381 votes counted
58 minutes ago:
  • Trump 3,267,871 49.9% (+0.9)
  • Biden 3,209,583 49.0%
  • 6,552,801 votes counted

Dude, 24 hours ago he had close to 750,000 650,000 vote lead at about 3.1M....
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Yesterday about noon:
(Anyone who believes 22% mail in votes for Trump and 77% for Biden when the Election Day votes were almost the exact opposite just ain’t paying attention)

“Trump led Biden by about 657,000 votes as of 9 a.m., but there were at least 1.4 million uncounted mail-in and absentee ballots that will determine the outcome, according to the Department of State.

The department reported almost 1.1 million mail ballots were counted statewide, with 77% for Biden and 22% for Trump. By contrast, there were 3.9 million votes cast on Election Day, with 66% for Trump and 33% for Biden.”