US Elections (& Politics) :)

I'm just saying it is being way overblown. America has seen a lot worse than what will be a 1 term Biden president who is going to be roadblocked at every opportunity by the stacked Senate and supreme court. The libs had similar reactions to Trumps win. When we lost in 2008 it was the same thing. This stuff happens, there will be another election in 4 years.

I'll repeat, the alleged voter fraud stuff should absolutely be investigated and corruption eliminated. I just don't see ~4 million ballots being fraudulent without a massive conspiracy that the DNC is too stupid to pull off. Heck earlier in this thread someone was saying that Trump would have won by a landslide if he was more mindful with the words he used.
Agreed. Like many, I'm disappointed with the way the presidential election is turning out. Is voter fraud going on? No doubt. It was inevitable with the mail-in ballots. You've got states like California where someone can walk in the door of the election office carrying a sack of filled out ballots, and they will be counted without any questions asked. But I also doubt that it will change the outcome of the election.

Once every state certifies its own election totals, that will be that. Trump can try to fight it, but as Gore learned back in 2000, the Supreme Court isn't going to touch this case. The whole point of the electoral system is to prevent voter fraud from spreading across the entire country. There will be some cheating, and it may sometimes swing an election (as it did with Kennedy and Nixon back in 1960), but overall the system works.

Here's the other thing: the Republicans actually did fine overall. It is almost certain they will retain control of the Senate. They actually gained 6 seats in the House. This in spite of the huge anti-Trump, anti-Republican drumbeat in the media. The voters may have rejected Trump, but they did not reject Republicans, in spite of hundreds of millions of $$ being spent on Democratic campaigns. Ultimately it came down to the fact that the Democrats had no message beyond not being Donald Trump. It worked for Biden, but not for the people trying to ride his coat tails.

Right now, Trump doesn't have many friends left. He did what he needed to do four years ago - he prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president. He got elected the same way Biden probably will, by getting a lot of votes from people who hated his opponent. But ultimately Trump was his own worst enemy. I personally think that if he had stopped using Twitter two years ago, he would have won handily. Twitter helped get him elected, but in the end it was also his undoing. He gave the press, and his opponents, too much ammunition against him.

The Republicans now realize that their post-election position is far stronger than they expected. The Supreme Court is not going to be packed (and destroyed) by the Democrats. All of the insane Democratic legislation being pushed prior to the election will be dead in the water. To many conservatives, Trump is now more of a liability than asset. He's too much of a lightning rod for the opposition. It is far, far better now to let Biden take office so that the Democrats can destroy themselves, which they will inevitably do.

Let's face it - the Democrats, in their desire to beat Trump, will have a POTUS who is one of the most venal, self-serving, pro-establishment Democrats ever elected. He will waste no time cozying up to China and Russia. His friends and family will line their pockets right and left. (People will be astonished how quickly the "Russia is evil!" stories in the media vanish.) And being borderline senile, he will be unable to push back against the progressive Democrats who think that voters elected Biden because they want more riots, more burning cities, fewer police, higher energy prices, and more identity politics. They will push for the Green New Deal and the end of capitalism with a vengeance, cheered on by the media. And once President Harris takes over (I give it a year, tops), she will double down on the insanity.

Their efforts will go nowhere. It will explode in their faces. Moderate Democrats will be unable to stop the train wreck, because Pelosi is too brain dead herself to push back against the lunatic fringe and the media. If the Democrats walk the path that I expect them to, the Republicans will assume control of the House again in 2022, and the presidency in 2024.

Some people seem to think that the Democrats have the goal of turning the U.S. into a communist or socialist state. I disagree. What they really want is the model of the Mexican government with the pretense of democracy, where one ruling party gets 90% of the vote every election, where the odds are deliberately stacked against any opposition, where elections are managed (and manipulated) at the federal level, and where a tiny ruling elite (mis)manages the wealth of the country while most of the electorate grinds away in poverty in an economy without opportunities or advancement.

Make no mistake - the next few years will not be easy. The economy will suffer, and Biden (or Harris) will enact one crazy executive order after another. I wish I owned stock in a gun shop, because business will be booming over the next two months. The difference is that a conservative Supreme Court and a Republican Senate will curb the worst excesses.

So everyone, cheer up a bit. In the long run, we will make it through this mess.

What I hope eventually comes out of this is a constitutional amendment setting an upper limit on the number of Supreme Court justices. If the Democrats gain control of the Senate and the office of POTUS, they will not hesitate to stuff the court. They have been very clear about that. Then the Republicans will be forced to do the same, over and over, so that 30 years from now we'll have dozens of justices, with Supreme Court rulings swinging back and forth like a pendulum every four years. It will be a nightmare for this country. The timing isn't right yet, but it might be in two or four years. I hope some smart Republicans are planning for this contingency.
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I realize all of everyone's feelings of loss and anger at the whole process this year. I feel the same way. The fraud is so obvious and the lack of action is so annoying that it makes us really question our country's direction right now. But fear not, providing the Senate stays out of the Dem's hands, it really will not be so bad that we cannot come back from it.

My take based on hours of Monte Carlo simulations:

If Biden wins, and I really think it is going to happen, I doubt that any law suits will change the outcome. Even if one can prove voter fraud. How would one change the totals then? But we have two things on our side: control fo the Senate and a Supreme Court that is now 6-3 Constitutionalists.

As much as we dislike the DNC, they are not stupid. They may be assholes, cheats, reprehensible excuses for humans, but they are not stupid. If they were, we would not be in the situation we are now in. This result is a perfect storm of issues that were stacked against Trump from the get-go. The fact that this is so close, with everything against him, is a tribute to him and those that believe in him and are against the Socialism that rocks the Dem party. He had MSM and Social Media totally against him. The BLM/Antifa movement that polarized the nation and COVID that racked the economy and allowed the MSM to blame Trump for everything that happened.

But I digress. My point: The Dems will most likely not do anything in the next four years to jeopardize their re-election bid. I read a lengthy piece several years ago by an Obama strategist (whose name I do not recall) that basically stated that they had already worked out a plan, BEFORE Obama was even elected, for what legislation and Executive Action would be worked out during the first term. He stated that it was imperative that no issue would be acted upon that they felt would jeopardize a second term. Remember that they held both House and Senate at the time. They could have done ANYTHING they wanted. But all they really worked on was Obamacare. Then two years later they lost the Senate. And Obama said something along the lines of "I hear you America, you have spoken". So he really toned down the rhetoric for the next two years. It wasn't until he was re-elected that his true colors came out.

I think that the Dems will do the same this time. How long will Biden be president? I do not think it really matters. He will not be calling the shots. Neither will Harris. She will do as told. They really want to get the Senate in two years. They will probably try and make it look like they are working on issues. They will be sea gulling (flapping their wings, making a lot of noise, and shitting all over the place) bills in the House that will never have the possibility of passing the Senate. They will point fingers at the Senate in an effort to place blame on the Republicans so that they can use that as ammunition during the Senate election in 2022. It is possible that they will have the DOJ investigate Trump on all sorts of made up charges. Just to try and influence the 2022 Senate races and stop him from running in 2024. I also do not think there will be much along the lines of Executive Actions that they think will make taking the Senate in 2022 impossible. Remember that if they try and overstep their bounds by Executive Action, there is a 6-3 majority in then Supreme Court that is conservative. Even if Roberts flip-folps, that is still 5-4.

So the most important thing right now is to make sure in 2022 we do not loose the Senate. It would also be wise for the RNC to pump money into House races to defeat the most liberal of them. A strategy needs to be made.

Just in case you are interested, here is the Monte Carlo simulation graph. It is obviously clear.

@Living the Life nice first post. I was writing mine and did not see yours until mine posted. Welcome to the forum.
Oh, and by the way, Midway has 556 M193 in stock.
But I digress. My point: The Dems will most likely not do anything in the next four years to jeopardize their re-election bid. I read a lengthy piece several years ago by an Obama strategist (whose name I do not recall) that basically stated that they had already worked out a plan, BEFORE Obama was even elected, for what legislation and Executive Action would be worked out during the first term. He stated that it was imperative that no issue would be acted upon that they felt would jeopardize a second term. Remember that they held both House and Senate at the time. They could have done ANYTHING they wanted. But all they really worked on was Obamacare. Then two years later they lost the Senate. And Obama said something along the lines of "I hear you America, you have spoken". So he really toned down the rhetoric for the next two years. It wasn't until he was re-elected that his true colors came out.

I think that the Dems will do the same this time. How long will Biden be president? I do not think it really matters. He will not be calling the shots. Neither will Harris. She will do as told. They really want to get the Senate in two years. They will probably try and make it look like they are working on issues. They will be sea gulling (flapping their wings, making a lot of noise, and shitting all over the place) bills in the House that will never have the possibility of passing the Senate. They will point fingers at the Senate in an effort to place blame on the Republicans so that they can use that as ammunition during the Senate election in 2022. It is possible that they will have the DOJ investigate Trump on all sorts of made up charges. Just to try and influence the 2022 Senate races and stop him from running in 2024. I also do not think there will be much along the lines of Executive Actions that they think will make taking the Senate in 2022 impossible. Remember that if they try and overstep their bounds by Executive Action, there is a 6-3 majority in then Supreme Court that is conservative. Even if Roberts flip-folps, that is still 5-4.
Four years ago, I would have agreed with your assessment about Democratic strategy. But I think the party has gone too far off the deep end since 2020. When you have senior party officials seriously talking about a fundamental restructuring of our government and economy, it's not just word salad anymore. BLM and Antifa won't have the patience to wait that long.

The riots and burning cities will not magically stop. The identity politics will not stop. Be prepared for Biden's Secretary of Labor to implement policies that will make Title IX look like a cakewalk. They have a vision, and they will push for it - very hard. The difference is that a whole lot of people will push back, and not by burning their own neighborhoods.

Here's the other thing: the Republicans actually did fine overall. It is almost certain they will retain control of the Senate. They actually gained 6 seats in the House. This in spite of the huge anti-Trump, anti-Republican drumbeat in the media...

Thanks @Living the Life, enjoyed reading your post.

imho it is very clear that the control of the media channels and education system is in the hands of the left. The conservatives have to change that if they want to restore a better balance.
"It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."
Joseph Stalin

The poll watchers being prevented from watching the 'Biden voters' acting as election officials counting the votes in PA is not merely suspicious, it is a tacit admission of in-your-face voter fraud.

Anyone who is "not worried" about such tactics to win a U.S. Presidential election is probably not lined up on the same side I am anyway.
Oh, and by the way, Midway has 556 M193 in stock.
I bought that same stuff (and its good) for half that price with an ammo can 2 years ago. I'm surprised they have it back. Israel must be on overtime making that stuff for us.
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If Biden is declared POTUS, I guess we will see this informercial appear more frequently on TV now

Especially during the late night hours