Bottom line: There was voter fraud, on a large scale. Those that say, 'Relax, we lost this one, we'll get the next one.' as the far left rips this country in half, is total bullshit. There should only be mail in ballots for those not on US soil, those that are mentally capable of voting, but physically incapacitated to do so (such as nursing homes) and the cut off should be 72 hours before election day. The remainder of votes should be in person. THIS is how they are winning this election. We all knew that the DEMONTARDS along with the MSM and BOLLYWOOD POS's would do whatever it took to get President Trump out of office, cheat, lie, steal. Changing the rules even on election day? Are you f******g kidding me? Rules AND LAWS do not apply to them....
President Trump has been the most unconventional President there probably ever has been. I didn't particularly like his tweeting, and his first debate performance. THAT is not why he is at the moment, 'losing'. He he is losing because of the lefts obsession with removing him from office, damn all the laws.
And for all of these pukes that are rioting now, I wish them nothing but a lead lunch. Notice I said 'rioting'. I did NOT say 'peaceful demonstration'.
Barrack Obama did this. His last 4 years, started the progressive slide that the country was not ready to endorse, or even begin to except. This led to a man like Donald J. Trump being elected. You want to blame someone for BLM, ANTIFA, the country being torn in half, blame him.
Corruption is VERY hard to stop or even curtail once it begins. And it has now leaked directly into our election system, in a big way.
Dooms day for our country? Hell no, but we are just one step closer (actually quite a few) to following Rome's footsteps. That's the problem.