US Elections (& Politics) :)

Joe Gloria, the administrator of elections in Clark county (Las Vegas) said there is no voter fraud. Hmmm, 3,062 incidents of irregularities so far brought by the Trump campaign. Allegedly, 10,000 voters from out of state have voted in Clark county!

Here in Reno, a blue county (and the state as a whole until 2016 had always been red), I received a ballot from the previous owner of our home who moved out of state.

David is the previous owner...

View attachment 74265
Think of how many Angry Demos would have filled it out and sent it in, as we are seeing in most all Demo ran states, and of which it would of been counted. My point?, you still have the ballot, thank you for your HONESTY!!! This really sums up this Election...
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You know what just came to mind.

The Looting earlier this year was a precursor to the possible Thief of this Election. Time will tell.
Very well possible, after all the Democrats are leading by their example
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Cuomo still doesn’t want to admit the Wuhan Virus came from China and now China laughs whenever they hear about this
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Observe carefully, most of these confused individuals are in their late teens and early 20’s

Observe carefully, most of these confused individuals are in their late teens and early 20’s

You know what gets me, they say a few "Outside Agitators" came in to disrupt the "Peaceful Protest" in a sea of hundreds yet Those peacefully protesting did nothing to stop the violence that pursued.
This world does better without corruption and politics

Remember, Trump is not a politician; he's human just like all of us
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Let’s get one thing straight, okay Trump may loose re-election, in the midst of all this bullshit, let’s all just lead by example and not foul mouth each other. We all will win
No, this was not democracy...this was an abortion of our election laws and process. Democracy lost, but the Kool-aid keeps you from realizing this.
Let’s hope there is a republican stake somewhere

people will begin to realize that Trump was right after all
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I hope this nation does not turn into one giant slum

drain the swamp
Stop funding sanctuary cities
Our tax payer money is not a donation
If you want to get something done, it has been done legally

hope to get a bigger tax refund next year