US Elections (& Politics) :)

Most of you have cell phones right? Do you have Google Calendar on it? If you do, pull up November and check for Thanksgiving. Huh? Where is it?? Oh, that's right, Google has removed it so as not to offend anyone and replaced it with a Friday "Native American Heritage Day". Now THAT is messed up.

Especially when you consider that there are NO native Americans since the Indians came from Asia (until such time as they change that part of world history too...)
In turbulent times like these I find it comforting to check in with great philosophers and deep thinkers like Rodney Norman

The media is all over this; projecting a winner; no surprise here seeing most of the media is in one category
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The media “hated” Trump from the start, because they didn’t have bad news to cover

Now they have Biden on their side
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Most of you have cell phones right? Do you have Google Calendar on it? If you do, pull up November and check for Thanksgiving. Huh? Where is it?? Oh, that's right, Google has removed it so as not to offend anyone and replaced it with a Friday "Native American Heritage Day". Now THAT is messed up.

Especially when you consider that there are NO native Americans since the Indians came from Asia (until such time as they change that part of world history too...)

Thanksgiving is present on my phone's google calendar and the google calendar on my desktop. In the google calendar on my desktop I have "Holidays in United States" checked under "Other calendars." My google account syncs across all devices so I'm sure that's why Thanksgiving appears for me.
Thanksgiving is present on my phone's google calendar and the google calendar on my desktop. In the google calendar on my desktop I have "Holidays in United States" checked under "Other calendars." My google account syncs across all devices so I'm sure that's why Thanksgiving appears for me.
Yeap, and Black Friday is there to.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Most of you have cell phones right? Do you have Google Calendar on it? If you do, pull up November and check for Thanksgiving. Huh? Where is it?? Oh, that's right, Google has removed it so as not to offend anyone and replaced it with a Friday "Native American Heritage Day". Now THAT is messed up.

Especially when you consider that there are NO native Americans since the Indians came from Asia (until such time as they change that part of world history too...)
It is suppose to be the day after Thanksgiving.

If you look up a list of all celebrated days you will laugh at many of them.
I miss Bush. Now that guy was a class act that was a great president.

The difference was he was not running for another term...Nor was the race as close as this one is...

He had he moments too...:)

Who gives a crap about identity politics.
Thanksgiving, Native American Heritage day, Turkey Day. Call it Chirstmas, call it festuvus, call it the holidays. I don't care, this doesn't have any bearing on the birth of Jesus or my families celebration of holidays.
Don't fall into their trap and get involved with identity politics.
lol yeah. Bush had some bone head moments for sure.
Look at this man move!

Hahaha I remember the flying shoes...Hahaha

So when I click on the video via this Thread I get this:


I was able to click past it to YouTube's site though...