Getting the hang of it
This seems reasonable. If these ballots are thrown out for a recount, is it enough to change anything? hmm
Not in GA or NV.This seems reasonable. If these ballots are thrown out for a recount, is it enough to change anything? hmm
Yes, and not just them. The MSM, what are they going to do come January? For the last 4 years they have covered Trump nonstop. Trump is the one that drove up their ratings. Without Trump to bash, what are they going to cover to get people to watch? Take that talk show shit Steven Colbert. He has dedicated the last 5 years bashing Trump on every show. What is he going to do now? Is he going to have to rely on TALENT? OMG, he has none!They're going to be out of jobs without Trump to mock.
I doubt very much the MSM will cover that. They have not covered it yet, they are not going to start. That would fuck up their narrative.Biden has got his shit. Creepy uncle joe putting his hands on ladies shoulders, taking big sniffs of ladies. I'm sure he is going to do more awkward shit.
there are a lot of people leading on not using social media etc, i hope they lose title sec 230. gotta hit where it hurts
they can change title 230, stating any thing no threatening should not be removed or censored. SIMPLE as thatI have more an issue with the monopoly of big tech companies. Google, apple, facebook. They are doing legit illegal things, break em up.
I get the 230 argument but revoking protections will hurt US businesses ability to innovate. Yea it'll hurt twitter or whatever, but this goes beyond tweetin'. The US is unique (in a good way). A lot of europe and asian countries dont have the free speech laws we do, which is part of the reason the US has a competitive advantage and a lot of the massive tech companies. Curbing these protections could loose the US advantage (not that europe isn't pecking away at us with stuff like GPDR).
In summary, big tech bad, freedom of speech good.
Dude! Have you noticed, they're all jeeps. ALL JEEPS!!! What is going on.10 minutes after Biden talks not a single car or truck moved, was anyone in the??