I would encourage you to read this article. What we're seeing, and its certainly true for me, is not simple sour grapes over our guy losing, its that twice now we've seen blatant corruption eat away at the very soul of the institutions that we've put our trust in for so many years. It's like cancer. Insidious, slow and hard to see, but it slowly eats away the core until the host can no longer fight it off. Our trust in those institutions has been misplaced.
Its happened in many countries around the world. In ours, as in so many others, its fueled by greed and the thirst for power, Technology makes it easier for the masses to communicate, but it also makes it easier for those who wish to control the conversation. Controlling the media and what is accepted as 'truth" while at the same time censoring and denouncing anyone who questions the "official" word as conspiracy theorists and "deplorable's" is an old and often used method of insuring the sheep stay in line. If you're on the side of those who control the media however, you can get away with the wildest of fantastical accusations, blatantly disgusting speech, and open calls for violence without challenge.
Talk to Andy about free speech in China...
This particular cancer started long ago and is most effective on the young. Our public education system is no longer concerned with achieving excellence. Instead, it's run by openly Marxist/socialist teachers unions more concerned with preaching "social justice" and "equality" and that all of those old white guys who had a hand in creating what is widely accepted as the most prosperous, individual freedom loving nation the planet has ever known, were actually fascist killers ......than teaching Johnnie how to read and think for himself. Our education system has all but failed completely*.
2019 12th grade student achievement shows an average score of 37 percent reading proficiency and 24 percent math proficiency)
The battle cry of the left, and particularly the brainwashed youth, is now "Equality" and "Social Justice", As Thomas Sowell once said:
"Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, “social justice.".
Sorry Johnnie/Latisha, we're NOT all created equal when it comes to getting ahead in life, we have to make smart choices and put in the time and effort to achieve our goals and desired outcomes. Some folks are better at math, some at science, or art, others at doing things with their hands.. Each of these comes with tradeoffs in financial compensation and personal satisfaction. Choose wisely.