US Elections (& Politics) :)

The DOW would be up if my cat was elected. The Fed has propped it up with so much funny money it has no choice.

The problem comes in when the Fed quits buying. Of course they know that and they’ve backed themselves into a corner and can’t.

I don’t see how it ends well, just can’t tell you the date.
Guess Trump was wrong (again). Since the election Dow up over 10%.
Funny, I make most of my earning trading, the fact that market is up is all for the hope of Republicans hold majority in senate. Do not bring your hopes up with Joe his tongue ties a lot in his mouth.
One reason I voted for Trump was stock market. The fact that he told people not to sell their 401k and V shape will come its what we seeing for past few months.
I only have few shares of DOW, most likely will sell it next week and buy back again.
I'd like to know what Trump has been wrong on...
He's said his campaign was spied on in 2016. He said Hillary was crooked. He said manufacturing jobs will come back. He said the Coronavirus is overplayed. He said the vaccine will come by end of year. He said the stock market will come back in a V shape and go even higher. He said Coronavirus will be used to cheat in the election. He said mail in voting invites fraud. He said Biden is crooked. The list goes on.

There has been one person, however, that has been proven wrong in every post here.
One of many things I don't understand is why the dems and RINOs are calling for an end to lawsuits probing the election, claiming they undermine the public's confidence in elections. They should be welcoming the lawsuits, because if they all fail, that would only serve to increase the public's confidence in the elections. Unlike the loud-mouthed liberals, I don't have any inside track how it will turn out. Their incessant whining just increases my conclusion that there was in fact fraud and they're trying to block its disclosure. They're no different than a toddler trying to keeps his parents from finding out who got into the cookie jar.
Guess Trump was wrong (again). Since the election Dow up over 10%.
Thank You TRUMP for saving our country with YOUR vaccine Program...Investors are not stupid, except for the one's who lean Left lmao...
According to Rodney we're in for a bumpy ride

He forgot to mention all of this would happen because of Global Warming, hahahahahahaahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaha Lib Retards, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Because Joe and Hoe are who they are, I predict that we will see the MOST CORRUPT administration to ever preside over this country. In four years, lets see who has squandered the most, and who has become the richest and the poorest.

Another Warren G Harding or James Buchanan, you think?

Warren G Harding (president 1921–23)

Like Nixon, Harding has a historical reputation marred by the scandals that beset his administration. But Harding was a very different personality from Tricky Dicky: he was sunny, personable, determined to get along with everybody. His corruption was a result of surrounding himself with his old cronies and never, apparently, being able to stand up to anyone.

James Buchanan (president 1857–61)

A pasty-faced man who liked to be known as the “Old Public Functionary”, Buchanan had spent a lifetime in public office before gaining the Democratic nomination in the 1856 election. The key issue in that election was the crisis over the expansion of slavery. It had been rumbling for decades but had blown up in 1854 when the Democratic-controlled Congress passed a bill that opened up the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska to the possibility of slavery being legalised there, despite a 34-year-old agreement (regarded by antislavery Northerners as a ‘sacred compact’) that guaranteed that slavery would be excluded.
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Our idiot governor. We’ve been concerned that the cure is worse than the virus as has said President Trump. When my wife heard this she started to cry and she is 63.

Edit: nearly an hour later, she is still crying and trying to wrap her mind around how an eight year old could commit suicide.

The new public gathering limits do not apply to school districts. Sisolak stated that the closure of schools has had a huge negative effect on students.

"We have seen more deaths by suicide among students this fall than in years prior, and it breaks my heart to share that victims have included students as young as 8 years old," Sisolak said.

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Evidence of the game played by MSM to put Biden and Harris into the drivers seat:

In this case, how they knocked out a better performing candidate from California than Harris by sand bagging him

Krystal and Saagar: MSNBC Whistleblower Reveals How Yang BLACKOUT Worked
Yup, delivering a false sense of hope, wonder when the country will get out of debt. In the meantime, its up to individuals now.

The DOW would be up if my cat was elected. The Fed has propped it up with so much funny money it has no choice.

The problem comes in when the Fed quits buying. Of course they know that and they’ve backed themselves into a corner and can’t.

I don’t see how it ends well, just can’t tell you the date.
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That really pisses me off and I don't even live in Commiefornia.
Remind me again, how did this work out for South Africa? Oh yeah, I remember... and btw, does this mean that Kamala gets land? Wait, isn't it RACIST to pick only one race that gets free land???