Okay, you win. You're one step above Nancy.I finally figured out how to communicate in this thread so that everyone will believe me and believe in me and hang on my every word as gospel truth. Then you'll all see the light and your minds will be changed- a truly glorious day!
(Excuse me...clear my throat)
You know, many many people have said I've been right all along. Many people. The best people. Way better than your people and many many more people, believe me, believe me. I have thousands of people messaging me here saying that, believe me. I'll show you the thousands of messages soon. They have to be alphabetized but once my team gets that done I'll release them.
All of your links to videos and websites are fake news, believe me. They're all failing news sites and channels. They're failing in the ratings miserably. Fake news and really the enemy of the people. All of them. My posts here have ratings in the millions, believe me. All the stuff you're posting is a hoax from the fake news media. They have no ratings so they lie, believe me.
As far as the Capitol inssurection, many people died, believe me. Actually many people have told me 302.5 people died and they know what they're talking about. And they were all violent trump voters and supporters that did the deed, believe me. Yes, 302.5 died. It could be more, it could be less, we'll have to see. We'll just have to see but believe me, many people have told me that. Not the fake news that you post here. Many people. I have many sources, many sources, believe me. I can't tell you who they are right now but I will. And Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi have been taken out already. That's why you haven't seen Mike in a while. If you have that's actually his twin brother Barney. And Nancy Pelosi is actually Bruce Jenner. The mask helps hide it. That was trumps son in law Jarred who came up with that idea for those two. They're actually being held captive in Ivanks's shoe closet. They're bound and gagged with beautiful scarfs she designed and stilettos in their mouths to keep them quite. That was genius, really, and trump secretly takes the credit for it but it was Jarred, believe me.
You don't hear these things because the fake news either lies to you or just doesn't tell you about it. They can't help it. They need some kind of ratings for their failing networks. But I'm here to tell you the truth, believe me. I might seem crazy saying all these truths but believe me, I'm a stable genius. I'm so stable that many horses, beautiful horses want my stable. Many horses, believe me. Way more horses than you all have.
I'm just here to drain the swamp in this thread. You have people here who are up to no good, believe me. Some of you have asked me questions and it's really, unfair really. They're nasty questions, not nice ones. You should be ashamed of yourself, believe me. There's thousands of people here that are the swamp people. It could be more or it could be less. We'll have to see. But I will drain the swamp of this thread and I'll tell you all the names soon. I have helped thousands here too, maybe millions, believe me. I have 30,000 posts here. It doesn't show that many because it's a rigged post count here. My posts have mostly been taken down and hidden in a Dropbox file somewhere but I'll find them. Bismark North Dakota if you're listening, find my 30,000 posts. I'm also building a 200 mile stretch of NVR's wall. I'm helping to keep out Mexican NVR's and cable and it's going very very well, believe me. Thank you Andy and Sean for your generous donations of NVR's.
This is the truths you don't want to hear but it's the truth, believe me. My sources will be revealed soon and then you and all your links to failing websites and channels that have no ratings will see.
Thank you, believe me. Believe me. I might thank you or I might not thank you.
We'll see.

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