US Elections (& Politics) :)

college should be free in the first place

You funny, funny man. Well maybe I was over reaching with the term 'man'. Young man? Free college....that is just fantastic...then how about we all are promised a FREE JOB, FREE INCOME, FREE HEALTHCARE, FREE CAR, FREE HOME...OMG....LIFE IS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Grow up. If it was free, then it would be worthless. And yes, I agree, it is overpriced. So is most everything now unfortunately.
lol lol... You hurt my feelings. Don't be so triggered. ..........3.8

'Triggered?' Spoken like a true liberal millennial. No surprise.
You funny, funny man. Well maybe I was over reaching with the term 'man'. Young man? Free college....that is just fantastic...then how about we all are promised a FREE JOB, FREE INCOME, FREE HEALTHCARE, FREE CAR, FREE HOME...OMG....LIFE IS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Grow up. If it was free, then it would be worthless. And yes, I agree, it is overpriced. So is most everything now unfortunately.
Please read my post again.
I get it having free college is wishful thinking ,but college is way overpriced.

you think college is expensive, have you tried to buy a case of 9mm lately?
With all the printing and borrowing of money for distribution, it won’t be long before the chinese call in the debt. I haven’t ordered any chinese takeout for a while bc I figure it will be our main cuisine before too long. Of course that’s the plan anyway; get rid of the last shining example of freedom and capitalism and absorb it into the plan of globalism.
I just hope I live long enough to see the faces of all the stupid “progressive” liberal voters when they figure out what they really voted for.
you think college is expensive, have you tried to buy a case of 9mm lately?
I’ve tried to find some for quite some time. You get raked over the coals; that is when you can find it. Makes me wonder if I should have gotten into reloading a long time ago. But then I wonder if that is even cost-feasible. :confused:
And life will still go on. If u want real change the whole system must be tore down and rebuild.
Funny but that is exactly what Trump was trying to do, drain the Swamp...We all see he pissed off the Swamp...
Not the something. When was the last time u been in college ? Buying that ammo is a want not a need. College or a trade school is a need.
Wow is that what is being taught in Colleges, college is a need? Hahaha too funny...
And this POS just keep going and going....when will this traitor be behind bars?

James Comey: Republican Party 'needs to be burned down or changed'
The remarks came during an interview with The Guardian

And the insanity continues...

MSNBC contributor compares Biden to God, suggests Trump voters should be blamed for COVID deaths
'Selfishness, greed... they run rampant across the land,' Eddie Glaude says of Trump voters
WTF is wrong with this 'man'???? I mean really....lets go ahead and get the other half of the country completely pissed off! Wow.

Biden to sign 17 executive actions, orders to reverse Trump policies, restore Obama-era programs on first day
In his first actions as president, Biden is set to roll back and reverse a number of Trump’s policies and directives.