US Elections (& Politics) :)

Back The Blue!

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notice the pepper ball / paint ball gun firing into the crowd..
That's right...those police deserved everything they got! Liberty! flagwaver.gif
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Wow.. I didn't think you'd say that.... seems a bit anti-LEO

Anti-Tyrant!!! The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants!!!
That should say "Hillary Whine". Her sour grapes are still fermenting five years after the fact.
President Biden makes direct appeal to Trump supporters in inaugural appeal for national unity

So to quote a famous saying her....GFY.
Let the games begin. They screwed with us BEFORE Trumps swearing let it begin. Let's see if there are any conservatives willing to do so....or brave enough to do so.
We listened to their whining BS and underwent a relentless, 4 year barrage of bogus, unproven accusations and unfruitful, expensive, time consuming investigations so I hope they receive the same degree of "unity".

I hope it will seem like the longest proctology exam Biden's ever had in his life....with no KY Jelly, either
@TonyR Take care of yourself first. There'll be four years of crap piling up in the swamp of DC that getting aggravated about now won't help or fix.
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You know what? That's a good and appropriate come back. Well done. Now put that back before your mama knows you touched it, and scurry back to the basement. I am sure you haven't missed much of Pokemon......
Suspect we’ll see more socialist liberals pop in to gloat.
No ideas or constructive arguments for their policies or positions, but just to gloat.

What are they going to do with all their time now that they can’t claim “Orange man bad” every day?
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