US Elections (& Politics) :)

Yeah, Beckel would at times at least try to make an argument for his position, while I disagreed with him 99.9999% of the time, he seemed at least committed to his ideas.

Juan on the other hand is just a typical whiny liberal puppet, and frankly I think just plain stupid.
Juan on the other hand is just a typical whiny liberal puppet, and frankly I think just plain stupid.
I realize I'm white so the following statement or opinion would be considered invalid by many but if I were a person of color, I'd much rather have a strong, articulate, educated and committed man like Larry Elder on my side and speaking on my behalf than someone like Juan Williams....but that's just my opinion.
Yeah, Beckel would at times at least try to make an argument for his position, while I disagreed with him 99.9999% of the time, he seemed at least committed to his ideas.

Juan on the other hand is just a typical whiny liberal puppet, and frankly I think just plain stupid.
Yes sir, you are correct. And at least Beckel did sound intelligent when he was making arguments (even though I also disagreed with pretty much all he said). All Williams does is argue without providing any valid backup; his main protocol is the race card.
Who would have ever thought, eh?

Probably going to start reporting lower numbers now so the new admin can take credit in some form or fashion.
So after yesterday's circus act I have to say that was the most Pathetic Inauguration I have ever witnessed. To put this in perspective, the world saw 25 thousand troops surrounding the Capitol, think about this, have you ever seen that many troops in third world countries when they have a turn of power? Are we, and the world, to believe because 50 or so unarmed angry citizens who walked into our Capitol, escorted in by several Capitol police, we needed to have 25k troops for the change of power? Really?

What a way to start your first day of office Biden. As much as Trump was hated, he never had to surround the White House or himself with troops.

I think this spells out who Biden really is, a very weak man driven by fear...

Proverbs 29:25
2 Timothy 1:7
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Here we go, our vote gets diluted...

Knew that was coming. Been working on that one for years. Between that and the other crap he’s signing in, no wonder there are caravans once again plowing towards the US. It’s just going to get worse from here on out. I don’t care what anyone says; President Trump shut down that whole thing. It didn’t take long for those caravans to stop heading north. Now we’re back to square one.
Look, I’m all for immigration. I just want it done in the legal way, not this backhanded, scheming way. I too have a family member who had to go through the immigration process. It was a long and arduous process and very costly to him. However, when he was finally recognized as a citizen, it was the proudest moment for him. He did it the legal way. It just pisses me off when these clowns just invade and disappear into surrounding states and do not follow the rules. Then they get everything handed to them. All just so the left can remain in power.
Just thinking after I read this crap on Newsmax. I just don’t understand why or how there could be any impeachment of a man who is now a FRIGGIN CITIZEN and no longer in office??!! WTF mechanics are in place for the senate to carry this crap out?? I mean I understand the reasons why they are trying to finalize this, but just do not understand how this can continue when President DJT is a private citizen.

No different than asking the old fart when he was out getting ice cream what his favorite flavor was. Little did they know he was out with his caretaker/nurse and he got the reward of ice cream bc he didn’t pee or crap in his Depends for an hour straight. But anyway, back to the point at hand; it is a love affair with them and continue to expect these hard-hitting, news-breaking questions.