I really kind of hope that he doesn’t do that. I’m afraid that it wouldn’t turn out all that well, just like when Ross Perot created the Reform Party. All it did was screw ip elections and democrats still retained control.President Trump considers forming Patriot party | One America News Network
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What I am in favor of is him working in the backdrop of the Republican Party to restructure. With his insight and leadership, they could sink money into local projects and elect true conservatives with a backbone to overtake and kick out the turncoats from the bottom all the way to the top. Again, at this point, I believe they need to take a page out of dems playbook and plan for way in the future; not just elections two years from now, but those further down the road.
I personally think he could do more for the cause in this type of role rather than creating another party. But that’s just my initial thoughts, and I’m sure they don’t really mean much.