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Looney leftist Michael Moore exposes the Green New Deal facts...
here it is...
(5) Planet of the Humans - Full Documentary - YouTube
this documentary is very fatalistic. The documentary filmmaker keeps saying “capitalism” without a better alternative, which could lead the naïve Earth Day concert going tiktok’ers to think marxism (which has never worked) is best. Very little or really no mention of nuclear energy objectively. I have felt for a long time that humans need to conserve giving birth, but try telling other countries and cultures that. But this documentary is an exposure of those on the left and what they are pushing regarding the environment. Planet of the Humans - Wikipedia

here it is...
(5) Planet of the Humans - Full Documentary - YouTube
this documentary is very fatalistic. The documentary filmmaker keeps saying “capitalism” without a better alternative, which could lead the naïve Earth Day concert going tiktok’ers to think marxism (which has never worked) is best. Very little or really no mention of nuclear energy objectively. I have felt for a long time that humans need to conserve giving birth, but try telling other countries and cultures that. But this documentary is an exposure of those on the left and what they are pushing regarding the environment. Planet of the Humans - Wikipedia

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