US Elections (& Politics) :)

Well, as far as I’m concerned, they can keep their masks. If they send that crap out, I’m just going throw it on the bonfire. More waste of money. They can keep their masks and that little weasel fauci can quadruple up for all I care. We practiced all of that stuff and still would up getting it. The masks do no good; everyone I know who got the virus practiced precaution through masks, sanitizer, distancing, etc.
Hey, let’s have a federal investigation into this that drags out 3 years, and then we can move to impeach on the basis of overreach of power. Oh wait, that would mean pitting deep state against deep state, so that won’t fly.
I'm not 100% sure what this "super" large bowl thing is of which they speak, but the article does mention, "to avoid spreading Covid-19 when in small gatherings," so... I really don't know how it can be too large... regardless, whatever they're talking about, no one in my household would have been around it anyway...


Great guy and a great mind.
I still feel that America is, or at least was(decreasing fast with the marxist narrative push), one of the least racist country in the world. Democrats Marxist have been pushing a "Racism Narrative", and it is purposefully intended to divide us into skin color groups with the intention to grab power.

One of the most racist terms, and also most disrespectful to past slaves in America is the term "People Of Color" . So now what, anyone with a certain melanin in their skin get to be classified with the same history of past slaves?

I have mentioned this before, Sowell's books are better than any of these YouTube videos. So far, I have read; Basic Economics, Black Rednecks and White Liberals, Discrimination and Disparities, and Controversial Essays. Sowell is a great writer that can anyone could read and fully understand.
I have them in epub if anyone wants to borrow them.