US Elections (& Politics) :)

In the days after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, Bank of America went through its own customers' financial and transaction records. These were the private records of Americans who had committed no crime; people who, as far as we know, had absolutely nothing to do with what happened at the Capitol. But at the request of federal investigators, Bank of America searched its databases looking for people who fit a specific profile.

On Wednesday, a New York Times op-ed asked this question: "Are Private Messaging Apps the Next Misinformation Hot Spot?" As the newspaper put it: "The shift to private messaging has renewed a debate over whether encryption is a double-edged sword. While the technology prevents people from being spied on, it might also make it easier for criminals and misinformation spreaders to do harm without getting caught."

Notice "criminals and misinformation spreaders" are in the same sentence. They're pretty much the same thing. What's a misinformation spreader? Someone who doesn't agree with The New York Times, obviously a violent extremist and dangerous.

If you think we're joking, we're not.
Is anything insignificant enough that the left can't be petty about it???

Incredible....could it possibly be an elderly man in a New England winter that has cold hands? For God's sake, you can see old farts (like me) wearing sweaters in July in Florida! Right, @bigredfish ?

And these kinds of teachers are the moronic idiots (to distinguish them for normal idiots) that are indoctrinating our kids and grand kids.

We need some new profession titles:
Teacher "Impressionable Youth Programmer", "Child Mental Development Re-director" or the like.
Principal "Director of Inept Teachers"
"Raskin responded that Trump's refusal "speaks volumes and plainly establishes an adverse inference supporting his guilt."

They know how a perjury trap works.

So can we infer that all the Dems that pled the 5th or refused to testify were all guilty? Looking at you Strozk, Comey, McCabe....

You want to know a good reason for impeachment? Breaking our federal immigration laws, NOT PROTECTING AMERICANS, and about 40 other King Biden EO's....this guy is a fucking putz!!!!!!

Awww... Actually, I think the other 600 smackers are the big guy's cut...

Democrat Marc Elias Using Trump’s Argument Against Voting Machines

I think nobody in their right mind would argue for something that he and his pals are still calling unfounded debunked conspiracy theories. Yet they do it. I think that nobody in their right mind would believe it, yet democrat voters do. Are the leaders really that dumb, or do they just count on their voters being that dumb? Or are they right and I'm too dumb to realize it? It feels more and more like we're living in the Twilight Zone.