US Elections (& Politics) :)

Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden

Kamala Harris on Thursday spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as Joe Biden slouched around the White House.

Kamala Harris is playing a key role in foreign policy just weeks into a new administration because dementia Joe is not mentally fit to hold office.

Last month Joe Biden spent an entire weekend napping and playing Mario Kart at Camp David as thousands of Americans died of Covid-19.

Kamala Harris previously spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Biden napped and played video games.
Hmm, an individual that has proven time after time her total disdain for the nation of Israel and its people taking a call from the Prime Minister. I would say that I hope Netanyahu told her off, but I"m sure he's much too classy to sink to their level. Joe is bad enough, but I cannot stand that wench.
JIK, this is from the Babylon Bee

JIK, this is from the Babylon Bee

Out-friggin-standing. We need something to crack a smile at during these disturbing times. I'm glad to get on here and vent a bit, but I'm also glad to see posts like this. Well done.
There is a lot more than this in that 1.9 Trillion "Covid relief" bill, but...

PolitiFact rated “Mostly True” a claim from conservative Stand for America that the bill contains unrelated projects. Examples cited in that fact check included a $1.5 million bridge connecting New York and Canada; a $100 million underground rail project in Silicon Valley; $480 million for Native American language preservation and maintenance; and $50 million in environmental justice grants.
If that bill is for CCPVirus relief why is so much of the spending/appropriations happening in 2023, 2024 and well beyond? It's just a pork barrel for Marxocrats.
My fav.

I would say that I hope Netanyahu told her off
I would have hoped he said something like I want the president not the vice. He should get on their national TV and say that the USA does not think Israel is important enough to have the President talk to him.

On another note, I pulled various purchase receipts from my wallet today and reviewed which ones I could throw away. One was from a local grocery store and it listed my milk purchase as "HOMO MILK"....I wonder how long it'll be before that is cancelled. In Walker County, AL it will most likely be quite a while, if ever. :headbang:
MSNBC Prepares Liberals for Trump Tax Returns Disappointment

For any liberals that might be reading this blog, take this as your trigger warning! Why? As MSNBC opinion columnist Jessica Levinson explained on Monday, former President Trump's 2011-2019 tax returns might not be all that damaging and instead the ultimate nothingburger.

After years of legal wrangling, Trump's tax returns were turned over to New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance on February 22. Since the documents are subject to grand jury secrecy rules, the information won't be released to the public for at least the near future.

You can tell the story will be disheartening for liberals from the title of the Monday article by MSNBC's opinion columnist Jessica Levinson, "Trump's tax returns may not lead to accountability in New York." The subtitle was no more encouraging for liberals, "It's not surprising that critics of Trump hope this is the investigation that finally leads to real consequences. But legally, it's complicated."

MSNBC Prepares Liberals for Trump Tax Returns Disappointment | Newsbusters

My comment. According to some sources the IRS audited Trumps tax returns on a yearly basis so there could not be too much wrong with them.
MSNBC Prepares Liberals for Trump Tax Returns Disappointment

For any liberals that might be reading this blog, take this as your trigger warning! Why? As MSNBC opinion columnist Jessica Levinson explained on Monday, former President Trump's 2011-2019 tax returns might not be all that damaging and instead the ultimate nothingburger.

After years of legal wrangling, Trump's tax returns were turned over to New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance on February 22. Since the documents are subject to grand jury secrecy rules, the information won't be released to the public for at least the near future.

You can tell the story will be disheartening for liberals from the title of the Monday article by MSNBC's opinion columnist Jessica Levinson, "Trump's tax returns may not lead to accountability in New York." The subtitle was no more encouraging for liberals, "It's not surprising that critics of Trump hope this is the investigation that finally leads to real consequences. But legally, it's complicated."

MSNBC Prepares Liberals for Trump Tax Returns Disappointment | Newsbusters

My comment. According to some sources the IRS audited Trumps tax returns on a yearly basis so there could not be too much wrong with them.
gee, I wonder why we call them Fake News :rolleyes:

but their base still thinks he colluded with russia :screwy:

and of course anything from here on out will be worded with false innuendos that he is really guilty but just getting away with it through legal loopholes.
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After years of legal wrangling, Trump's tax returns were turned over to New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance on February 22. Since the documents are subject to grand jury secrecy rules, the information won't be released to the public for at least the near future.
Oh I bet if there is anything that could remotely look bad for Trump, it will be leaked. Especially if it is only leaked in part to support that narrative.
Another fine example of how Marxocrats operate, especially after Sleepy, Creepy, Crooked, Basement Joe Bunco said he wouldn't raise taxes -

Another fine example of how Marxocrats operate, especially after Sleepy, Creepy, Crooked, Basement Joe Bunco said he wouldn't raise taxes -

Just waiting for the first left wing demon I am unfortunately associated with to whine about tax hikes and 401k depletions. Cannot wait; all I can say is that I will make Al Bundy proud!
Another fine example of how Marxocrats operate, especially after Sleepy, Creepy, Crooked, Basement Joe Bunco said he wouldn't raise taxes -

Democrats are the epitome of evil.
Another little tidbit. Those $1400 checks are also going to prison inmates. More blatant vote buying by the Marxocrats who want convicted felons to be able to vote. I guess they see it as an investment.