US Elections (& Politics) :)

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me -

I cannot think of a more wise, foreshadowing statement. I have always admired it. Thank you for posting.
The problem is the media stopped Joe Mccarthy when he came for the communist..,:confused:
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It is sad that we have come this far to where we have to look at home schooling or private schooling to keep our kids' minds from being bastardized. Unfortunately, the conservative side has allowed this to happen over the last 5 decades; now we are seeing the results. Granted, it wasn't all overnight, it slowly and methodically created. Just like Hellywood movies have been utilized to push sickening subject matters over a long period of time to slowly desensitize and pervert the mind.
For the longest time, my wife and I held off having kids b/c we were both concerned with the world's perversions of the mind. However, we have decided not to allow this bunch (or any other bunch) of douchebags to rule our lives and create our decisions for us. I have fought too hard to allow these ******rs to control my life. We're currently trying to start our family now, and I can tell you, that no matter how many jobs I have to work, I will do so in order to keep our child at home or in a specific private school just so their mind will not be screwed up.
I friggin hate the left. It's all fine and well if you want to live a life of debauchery, but don't come preaching to me about why I'm wrong if I do not agree.
Just more daily proof that the FBI is corrupt...

The deep state is so deeply entrenched that these Democrat criminals will probably get no consequences for their actions :confused:
Gee, I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you..

Biden Admin Silences DHS Over Border Crisis As Viral Video Shows Flood Of Migrants Streaming Into Arizona | ZeroHedge

The Biden administration has told the Department of Homeland Security not to speak freely about the growing border crisis, according to Breitbart, which spoke with a "senior-level law enforcement source" within DHS who spoke on condition of anonymity.
"The situation with media relations now is night and day compared to the last administration," said the official. "We have been advised not to speak on immigration issues at the border and to rely on DHS’s Office of Public Affairs and the White House Press Office to handle messaging."
I just hope the people of Texas are on their toes. From my understanding, they're dumping a ton of immigrants in that state whom have tested positive for Covid. My assumption is that they're trying to turn the state completely blue by flooding the population, lowering the voting age, and trying to push sick immigrants to kill out the older population. Yes, I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it's kind of hard to ignore the writing on the wall.

I personally feel that this country needs to implement the policies of Israel. There, citizens (and those wanting to become citizens) are required to serve in the IDF. America needs that type of policy for a few reasons. One, it will give the left wing lunatics a perspective on what it takes to go to war, and a realization that hugging a tree and sucking the goob of countries like Iran do you know good. At the end of the day, those people just want to kill you no matter what you have done for them. In addition, it will give one the knowledge that America is not the monster culture that make it out to be. Second, it could potentially curb immigration. I can bet that quite a few people will be hesitant to cross any of our borders if they know they will be detained and sent straight to put their life on the line for the country in which they want to be a part.

Just blowing off steam, lol. I know better; the realizations I listed require people to think logically and to pull their heads out of the rearends.
"Starship Troopers", a novel by Robert Heinlein and later made into a grade B sci-fi movie, was based in part on the fact that citizenship, and the right to vote, required military service. The idea being that way citizens would actually value their citizenship.

If you think the woke generation would be willing to even serve, let alone go to war, you need some more caffeine, but I definitely agree with you. It's also interesting to note that in Israel the citizens are permitted to take their full auto weapons with them after their service and keep them at home. Funny how there's so few shootings there with all those, real, assault weapons around.
FYI - so often the MSM praised Gov Cuomo and wished he was President... well now.. the truth has come out...

#BREAKING: NY GOP leaders announce IMPEACHMENT resolution against Gov. Andrew Cuomo
The Hill
1.14M subscribers
Republican state lawmakers announced an impeachment resolution against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

After bumbling through a public appearance last week - at one point mumbling "What am I doing here?" while forgetting the names of key Democrats, the President of the United States on Monday couldn't remember the name of the Pentagon, or his own Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin - who spoke minutes before Biden took the stage to offer remarks during International Women's Day.
Anyone else find this hypocritical and mind boggling? What is the point when you want to destroy genders as well as the pronouns utilized to describe gender? Why are you creating executive orders to promote something you are trying g to destroy?


After bumbling through a public appearance last week - at one point mumbling "What am I doing here?" while forgetting the names of key Democrats, the President of the United States on Monday couldn't remember the name of the Pentagon, or his own Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin - who spoke minutes before Biden took the stage to offer remarks during International Women's Day.
Anyone else find this hypocritical and mind boggling? What is the point when you want to destroy genders as well as the pronouns utilized to describe gender? Why are you creating executive orders to promote something you are trying g to destroy?

I like how they say "all genders" as if there are a bunch.

To the feeble minded and mentally ill maybe, but if you "follow the science" there's still just X chromosomes and Y chromosomes.

When you reach TWO you're there.
I just hope the people of Texas are on their toes. From my understanding, they're dumping a ton of immigrants in that state whom have tested positive for Covid. My assumption is that they're trying to turn the state completely blue by flooding the population, lowering the voting age, and trying to push sick immigrants to kill out the older population. Yes, I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it's kind of hard to ignore the writing on the wall.
Of course they are releasing them in Texas. They give them COVID tests to find out which ones are positive. But they still release them. (They probably infect the negative ones.) The goal is to get the COVID numbers to jump in TX to discredit Gov. Abbott's opening of the state from the COVID restrictions. This way they can say "we told you so" and turn people against him.

An interesting saga about the cancel culture, liberals and how they don't care about facts just their narratives. This was the bakery in Oberlin, OH that had an under age student arrested for stealing a bottle of wine and the College, professors, and student ruined the business.
Slugs and worms in a swamp are invertebrates.