US Elections (& Politics) :)

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Barack Hussein Obama is the biggest piece of shit the country of Kenya ever produced.

...... and he’s laughing at all of you idiots who voted for him
A confused old man was found abandoned in a stadium after a Washington Oval-Shaped Ball game. Next to him was an opened pack of generic Wal-Mart adult diapers.
He was found babbling "Who am I? What am I doing here? What's a five-sided shape called? Corn Pop! Corn Pop! Trunalimunumaprzure!" Quickly, he was identified as Joe Biden, whom sources say is currently employed as President.
"Being a public figure, it was easier to figure out who he was and who had done this to him," stadium security officer Ben Gropen told our reporter, as she batted his hands away repeatedly. "Most grandpa-dumping happens with unknown people. We caught a lucky break."
Thirty minutes later, Kamala Harris was arrested while attempting to take the oath of office. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts said she threatened to cancel him if he didn't swear her in.
When his wife, Jill Biden, was asked if she was willing to take custody of him, she proudly announced "Si se puadray!"
I don’t follow him or any “pro” athletes but its refreshing to hear one with common sense.

NBA legend Charles Barkley unleashed 'One Minute Truth' on NCAA-Final-Four-watchers last night, telling viewers that:

“I truly believe in my heart most white people and black people are awesome people, but we’re so stupid following our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats."
"I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power."
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Charles Barkley does have his moments doesn't he?
^^^^^ Wow.....the dark forces at doubt.
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