^^^^^ THIS should be a EYE OPENER for all!
The more I learn about the Bidens, the more I am starting to confuse them with the Kennedy's. After all the best Kennedy died in WWII....brave man. I can probably say the same for the Biden's.....
Hunter sleeping with his sister-in-law...you can't just make this shit up. Meth head, crack addict, alcoholic, Yeap, sounds like the modern day version of the Kennedy's......
Of course we can always trust that the MSM will dig deep and be honest. The current state of American journalism at it's finest.And they never mention the video of him dropping off the laptop, the receipt signed by him and that the FBI, top men, confirmed the emails were from his laptop.
And maybe a new laptop?Buying a copy of this is no different than giving money to a beggar that will go right out and spend it on drugs and alcohol
The crackhead has made million of dollars from the corrupt dealings that his corrupt father got him setup with.A maybe a new laptop?![]()
Why can't these @#$% over-paid athletes and money-grubbing team owners stick to what they do...putting on a show and entertaining...and let the fans that pay them who are also voters decide policy, rules, laws and regulations that affect us down here in the lowly trenches struggling to make ends meet ?At least the PGA hasn't caved, so far:
Trees are Racist, now Whiteboards...Hahahahahahahahahaha, DemoCRACKS are the funniest people walking this earth...Their Stupidity CRACKS me up, LMAO...![]()
College Accused of Whitewashing Has 134 Whiteboards and 3 Blackboards -
It’s a bad day for Michigan Technological University, a college which already draws backlash for having a student base made up of 89.7% white students.…www.saucetime.net