US Elections (& Politics) :)

Thank you for this info...He has always had my vote...

Me too. One other thing about his refusal to throw out the first pitch at the Rangers game which I applaud. He must have a hell of an arm. I would be scared to do do it standing on 2 feet, that's gotta be very difficult from a wheelchair. He would still do better than Fauci or Obama. Biden? He would probably throw it to 2nd base.
You know, I've been thinking...yes that is dangerous...but with the 2020 elections, Covid, Wokeness, guys in girls sports, ANTIFA, border crisis, cancel culture, MSM in the pocket of the left, Biden and his EO's, Harris and her hyena laugh, Psaki and her 'erhs', etc, etc, etc...I am starting to believe that there is a small group of pan-dimensional beings that have put on this show for themselves. They are pull all the strings, making all the plays, like a Punch 'n Judy show. Are they just sitting back laughing at all of the 'humans' scurrying about like villagers at the base of an erupting volcano? It has to be this way, right? There is no way that this reality is just happenstance, right?
So I have an idea that requires your input to make it work. I want to go to the airport and buy a ticket but not present ID. Thoughts on how to play it to get around the TSA (Federal requirement for ID to make sure I’m not on the terrorist watch list)?

I‘m prepared to be arrested (non violent). The airport is Federal jurisdiction which would allow me to stay out of state courts.
I hope DeSantis continues kicking the media's ass:


JIK - Satire