US Elections (& Politics) :)

I swear liberalism must be a mental disorder. As if this would actually have an effect?

@tspevacek We already know where it needs to be fixed, any Marxocratic controlled area. While this does re-enforce that idea it's not at all a surprise or unexpected by anyone with more than one firing neuron.
More reason that the pathetic waste of life administration wants to change the court. There’s no question what the outcome of the “independent” panel will be.
Once religious liberties and the right to bear arms are hampered and/or destroyed, the left can move into full Gestapo and Nazi mode and rule the way they desire.
The whole lockdown thing from corona was just a way for the left to see what all they could get away with.
I think I’ve found the source of liberal “progressive” Democrats.... they’re coming out of the ground!

Researchers theorize that the Moon formed when a protoplanet, called Theia, struck Earth billions of years ago. They also say the alien planet's remains are hiding deep within Earth's mantle.
Believe Science !!!! :rofl:
To bad for our country we have a party that is will to cheat anyway they can to win.
With the dems believing the ends justify the means, they don't consider it cheating, which flows right into the next post.....
I swear liberalism must be a mental disorder.
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Guess the events of the last few months (to include this ridiculous load of $@it) has helped in a way. It has helped to eliminate the struggle with a career decision. This administration is illegitimate and should be the only thing legally aborted. The bastardization of the military is only going to get worse, and as you can tell by the defense budget only increasing by 1%, this administration has no plan to take care of soldiers. Yet, they want to call upon the military to protect the capital just bc they feel threatened and/or want to act like they’re in an action hero movie. God help this nation, bc this administration has no desire to.
This is very, very sad. But it is 100% the truth....

Then lets add on who is profiting from this crap.....BLM's? Or is it it MBM's (My Bank-account Matters)?
