Been through Grand Rapids but that was back in the 70's. Was nice then. Parents had friends there, took us out on the lake and caught perch? until my arms were so tired I couldn't hold onto the pole.
Given that BLM brings weapons to their "peaceful events" that always seem to lead to arson, assault and mayhem I don't think "riot" is the correct term to use for those events. They definitely fit the definition of insurrection.
It wasn't long for one of the liberal Anti-American dimwits from the 'Squad' put their ignorant .02 cents into the BS..... I really don't like her....really, really.
Though most people with any critical thinking skills know CNN has been lying for years, that they're a propaganda machine for the DNC, they are beginning to openly admit it. Not even trying to hide that they're lying scum
Of course liberal "progressive" Democrats, being essentially stupid, naive, and stuck in adolescence, eat it up.