US Elections (& Politics) :)

Yeah, and this from a moron that double masks when he's outside because "it's the idiotic patriotic thing to do".
well, if we just privatize the mass surveillance state we don't need to worry about the US Constitution .. right??


“In what will likely come as no surprise to many - especially given the judge's own remarks during closing arguments - Derek Chauvin's lawyer filed a motion on Tuesday in Hennepin County, Minnesota, for a new trial on multiple grounds including jury misconduct and in the "interest of justice."

Eric Nelson, Mr. Chauvin’s attorney, requested a hearing to impeach the verdict on the grounds that:

"...the jury committed misconduct, felt threatened or intimidated, felt race based pressure during the proceedings, and/or failed to adhere to instructions during deliberations, in violation of Mr. Chauvin’s constitutional rights to due process and a fair trial.”
"The Court abused its discretion when it denied Defendant’s motion for a new trial on the grounds that publicity during the proceedings threaten[ed] the fairness of the trial,” the filing said.

"The State committed pervasive, prejudicial prosecutorial misconduct, which deprived Mr. Chauvin of his constitutional rights to due process and a fair trial, including but not limited to: disparaging the Defense; improper vouching; and failing to adequately prepare its witnesses," the motion concluded.
Texas ‘Critical Race Theory’ Opponents Win School Board Election

Good to see there are still plenty of folks saying NO to the bullshit of 'critical race theory" aka a new approach to "give me more free shit"

"CRT has gradually proliferated in recent decades through academia, government structures, school systems, and the corporate world. It redefines human history as a struggle between the “oppressors” (white people) and the “oppressed” (everybody else), similarly to Marxism’s reduction of history to a struggle between the “bourgeois” and the “proletariat.” It labels institutions that emerged in majority-white societies as racist and “white supremacist.”

Like Marxism, it advocates for the destruction of institutions, such as the Western justice system, free-market economy, and orthodox religions, while demanding that they be replaced with institutions compliant with the CRT ideology."
If Republicans win again democrats will accuse them of colluding with aliens instead of Russians.


They are future Democratic voters, NOT Space Aliens
After all the BS this Public Servant has belched from his mouth, look how smug and secure this POS looks! :angry: Yes, I do in general have a
bad taste for 'public servants' as most are 'lazy servants' or 'self-serving servants'.

I hope everyone truly does realize that this 'THANG' is truly crazy, stupid and insane. Just throwing that out there....
^^^^ Wonder if their uniform will include brown shirts?
More "Math is racist!" absurdity from our favorite shithole - California!

LOL, wait a few years when the stupid liberal "progressive" Democrats kids will all work at McD's and cant help support them in retirement when they're old and sick because Johnny can't fucking add 2+2

To Promote Equality, California Proposes A Ban On Advanced Math Classes | ZeroHedge

Referencing the article here:
In the Name of Equity, California Will Discourage Students Who Are Gifted at Math

Love the ending....
"If you wish to protest these absurd policies, phone or write the board of education as posted above.
Better yet, get the hell out of California."
It is crazy the 180 being made....for years and years all we heard was our country's children were behind most of the rest of world in a big push was made on STEM and what we want to dummy down math and make the disparity even bigger....
An expert in ethics really?...."An expert in government ethics has described Ted Cruz's newspaper column on "woke CEOs" as the "most openly corrupt thing any Senator has said."

:rofl: :lmao::lol:
Walter Shaub, a former director of the Office of Government Ethics,
In 2013, he was appointed by President Barack Obama to a five-year term as the director of the Office of Government Ethics.

Being appointed by the least ethical President in the history of our nation doesn’t instill confidence in me to use the term “expert” beside his name...
Let’s just be brutally honest for a minute, can we?

If you believe one single word that comes from the mouths of the incompetent liars at CNN, you’re a fucking idiot.