US Elections (& Politics) :)

Seriously, if it is THIS BAD in this country, wtf don't they just move? Because CANCER only infects and kills. They are walking, breathing tumors!


When the truth is that the school board member is a Marxist using her own racism of whites, and her distain of Judeo Christian to discredit individualism.

(the MSM news image you provided falls very short in relaying the TRUTH. They have a narrative to maintain)

watch video in this link…
School board member tells graduating high schoolers to remember their 'jihad' and brace for a world of 'white supremacy' | Washington Examiner

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^^^^ Sounds like the brown pasty substance will be colliding with the fan fairly soon!

If AZ does decertify what happens next? What if GA, PA and MI end up in the same boat?
Yes, indeed, the bovine fecal matter shall be impacting the rotary ventilation device REALLLLLY SOON.
More from @behizy about Fulton County, Georgia this time.
It seems there is no chain of custody for as many as 20-to-25 percent of the ballots.
Oh, really?!?

Bonus update: Wisconsin numbers!!

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When the truth is that the school board member is a Marxist using her own racism of whites and Judeo Christian to discredit individualism.

(the MSM news image you provided falls very short in relaying the TRUTH. They have a narrative to maintain)

watch video in this link…
School board member tells graduating high schoolers to remember their 'jihad' and brace for a world of 'white supremacy' | Washington Examiner

View attachment 92389


The commencement speech for a school that has a nearly 12% drop out rate, and 20% chronic truancy

So can you not imagine that youth like this who are educated in a leftist district that maintains these standards and on average have a low percentage to be successful, they are ripe for this stuff. So the policies the leftist used to put these youth in this situation is like a very large stone rolling down hill toward even more radicalism.

"But the speech quickly became controversial, most notably when Omeish encouraged students to remember their “jihad” at one point in Arabic.

“The world sees the accolade, the diploma, the fruit of all your years yet be reminded of the detail of your struggle,” Omeish said in English before switching languages to tell students to remember their “jihad” in Arabic."
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So, is she going to "commit suicide" tonight or what?


So, is she going to "commit suicide" tonight or what?

We have watched her a few times on our Local News, wow, brave thing to do...

Please tell me one single harbor that has been radically redesigned to adjust for the supposed extreme rising sea levels. Anywhere in the world please. Go ahead tell me. And I don't mean because shifts in the earths crust or devastation because of Tsunami.

hmm ... Looks like the Republic of Maldives is looking to purchase snorkeling gear for all it's citizens...

National Adaptation Programme of Action
Republic of Maldives
I still can't believe this putz is the CIC. Just blows my mind......

View attachment 92430

Update - Update - Update:

News just in, my Tricorder has translated the sentence and it reads

"Biden WH strategy for battling domestic terror labels anyone who did not vote for Biden-Harris as extremists and biggest threats.. check there are enough holding cells now in ICE for reeducation camps for all extreme domestic thought criminals.. "