US Elections (& Politics) :)

^^^ I think he's already on something a lot stronger than vitamins just to get through an easy day.
I am very sorry that they had to plead guilty, but I am sure it was the lesser of the evils presented to them. What they did was right...wasn't a fan of how she waved the pistol around, but I wasn't there, she was. I wish them the best.
Unbelievable. This is where we are at today; thugs come and threaten their property, and yet the innocent people are the ones to have to pay. And @SJGUSMC21 is right; it was stupid the way they brandished their weapons, but heck, with the laws today, they would have been in trouble with water guns.
I can just about bet that this will flat upon deaf ears. Nice effort though. Love this woman.

Unbelievable. This is where we are at today; thugs come and threaten their property, and yet the innocent people are the ones to have to pay. And @SJGUSMC21 is right; it was stupid the way they brandished their weapons, but heck, with the laws today, they would have been in trouble with water guns.
If they hadn't brandished guns like that, they would have been attacked.

And obviously they did this only to avoid being destroyed financially any further than they already have been by the Marxist lawyers.
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President Trump took one, why can't this putz? And IF he does, I hope like hell it isn't forged or covered up.

As IF the Federal Work Force wasn't already screwed up enough, here comes this monstrosity....
Not all is lost: