They were lucky. They are well off financially, as well as a lawyer himself. Imagine this happening to someone living paycheck to paycheck who could not afford to fight these scumbag liberal District Attorneys. Their life would be ruined, and would probably go to jail.
The U.S. Supreme Court embraced religious rights over LGBT rights on Thursday by ruling in favor of a Catholic Church-affiliated agency that sued after Philadelphia refused to place children for foster care with the organization because it barred same-sex couples from...
The only thing wrong with this, and the reason it got a 9-0 vote from the Supremes, is that the decision wasn't based on religious liberty but instead based on a narrow legal point that the law included exemptions for other groups which made not granting the religious exemption wrong. All they need to do is eliminate all exemptions in their little fiefdom and the law is right back again in an even more Draconian form.
I'm not an attorney nor do I play one on TV. I just listen to experts when they talk about this kind of thing.
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