US Elections (& Politics) :)

Tell me all of these aren't tad suspicious...
Another forum I look at, that isn't as nearly self-controlled as IPCT, compares this to how those who claim to have any dirt on a previous white house occupant decide to take their own lives. They also notice how the leaders of about 5 countries who have resisted the covid shot have met their fate this year.
I wouldn't waste the time or bandwidth to read what that low life creep has to say. He really should resign just based on "the seriousness of the charge" like the Marxocrats would say if he were a Republican.
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Further developments in the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors issues:
a1) MCBOS refuses to provide subpoena'ed information
MCBOS Letter to Senators.png

a2) Demonion responds to AZ Senate:
Dominion response to AZ Senate Subpoena.jpeg

b) AZ AG files against MCBOS


c) Sonny Borrelli requests AG investigate clear violation of AZ law.
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Like millions of others I have not been watching the Olympics, they might have a larger audience if we had more people like this - this woman is awesome!

The full interview is about 4 minutes long if you care to watch, very emotional and inspiring.

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August 4, 2021

Here we go again!


Dear Patriots,

It seems that just when we see some light at the end of the tunnel, it is actually the Covid-CCP train barreling down on us again.

The left REALLY ENJOYS this method of terrorizing and controlling American citizens. Obviously they've found it very effective. It's stunning how quickly we gave up countless rights including freedom of association.

Here is some news you may not have run across. Our hope is that this may help you make decisions for yourself and those you love.

1- (The Sharyl Attkisson Podcast)
Reporter Sharyl Attkisson does an amazingly calm and sensible podcast giving many researched and science based answers to all the questions surrounding Covid-CCP. Should children be masked? Should children get the vaccine? How long do the vaccines work? What are common adverse reactions to the vaccine?

2- (Children's Health Defense)
QUOTE: Vaccinated People May Play Key Role in Aiding Evolution of More Dangerous COVID Variants, Study Says

According to research published last week in Scientific Reports, the highest risk for establishing a vaccine-resistant virus strain occurs when a large fraction of the population has already been vaccinated but the transmission is not controlled.
3- (Washington Examiner)
This is the kind of "study" being used to make universal decisions on mandates for dealing with Covid-CCP.
QUOTE: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study Friday backing up its stricter new mask guidance, one that concluded that people infected with delta variant may transmit COVID-19 even if they're vaccinated, based on an outbreak at a Cape Cod beach party. The study found that vaccinated subjects had nearly the same amount of virus in their bodies as the unvaccinated, suggesting they were as likely to transmit the virus to others.

Still, the authors included major caveats in the study, most notably that it only included subjects who happened to get tested, a limitation that could bias the results. The outbreak also took place in a setting that is not representative of the country as a whole — the beach town Provincetown, Massachusetts is a popular summer destination. Thousands of attendees gathered in densely packed crowds both indoors and outdoors, making person-to-person transmission more likely.

4- At this link you are able to download Vaccine Religious Exemption documents.
Use these for the COVID vaccine if it is mandatory for you at work, school, or in the military.
(America's Frontline Doctors) - This site is also full of information. Here is a page on the LAW regarding the vaccine. It includes sample letters and forms to use if you are being forced to vax.
5- (Children's Health Defense)
Children's Health Defense is a great resource of information for all health issues related to children. It was founded and run by Robert Kennedy, Jr.
The link above takes you to a massive list of articles, studies and information regarding children and masks.

6- (Children's Health Defense)
Again, this is a great resource of links to massive information about the side effects of the Covid-CCP vaccines.

7- (American Thinker)
Here is one person's reasoned decision not to get the vaccine.
QUOTE: Individual freedom is an increasingly rare commodity in the world today. It is under siege virtually everywhere. Now in the one country that once epitomized liberty. Making an informed decision whether to be vaccinated or not is part and parcel of the most fundamental of all freedoms.


We know that everything surrounding Covid-CCP is confusing and upsetting. The truth is, we have to learn to live with this virus and not ruin our children and our economy. We have the information to do that but it is being censored and deleted from view.

It is clear that the vaccine was not tested beyond a few weeks. We do not know the long term effects, especially on children. We hope that these resources arm you with information on all sides of the issues.

At Defending the Republic we are working with many people who are having their freedoms taken away by the government over Covid-CCP issues.
If you are having problems, please contact us by using the form at our Covid-CCP page.

Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken

Since we mentioned this on Monday, we wanted to give you a follow-up.
(Daily Mail)

Obama CANCELS his 500-person 60th birthday party and will now just host family and close friends 'due to new spread of Delta variant': Ex-president bows to pressure over 'tone deaf' Martha's Vineyard bash.





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This email was sent by Defending the Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
August 4, 2021

Arizona Republican state legislators pushed back against Maricopa County officials on Tuesday, one day after the county’s Board of Supervisors defiantly refused to cooperate with subpoenas for additional information about the November 3, 2020, election conducted in the state’s most populous county. “Build the case, set the trap, and boom the Maricopa lies will come back to haunt them,” State Senate President Karen Fann (R-Prescott) tweeted on Tuesday. Fann’s tweet came a day after she released a statement on Monday when news of Maricopa County’s defiance broke.

Based on today’s responses from Maricopa County and Dominion, it appears we will soon secure copies of ballot envelopes and critical voter registration information. That is progress, and the final audit report will be better because of it. Maricopa County’s slow-walk of the Senate public records request into a possible breach of the voter registration server is frustrating, and we will try to be patient and give the County more time to comply, as they requested. We are weighing our options for securing access to the routers and passwords and will make a thoughtful decision in due course after conferring with my staff, counsel, and colleagues. It is unfortunate the noncompliance by the County and Dominion continues to delay the results and breeds distrust. We remain committed to ensuring election integrity as voter confidence is at the heart of what we set out to achieve in this endeavor. Our constituents deserve no less. “The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors sent a defiant letter to the Arizona State Senate on Monday, refusing to cooperate with the state legislative body’s request for additional information about the November 2020 general election in the state’s most populous county,” Breitbart News reported earlier this week.

On Tuesday, State Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli (R-Lake Havasu City) released a statement announcing he asked Arizona Attorney General Brnovich to investigate the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for violating the law: Today I submitted a request for the Arizona Attorney General to investigate the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for their failure to comply with subpoenas from the State Senate. The supervisors are acting as if they are above the law, and it is an insult to the citizens of our state. President Fann has handled this process professionally and she has tried to be diplomatic while dealing with the attacks and insults from the Board. Enough is enough! The level of disrespect and contempt from the supervisors toward Senate leadership and Arizona voters is appalling.

Yesterday the Board of Supervisors ignored the subpoena deadline and failed to provide the routers used in the November election. They failed to provide passwords and security keys required to access tabulation devices. They failed to provide splunk logs and similar data.

I respectfully request the Attorney General investigate this clear violation of the law. Arizonans expect no less[.]

The Associated Press reported Borrelli’s complaint was filed “under Senate Bill 1487.”:

The 5-year-old law allows any lawmaker to demand an investigation of “any ordinance, regulation, order or other official action” taken by a local government that may conflict with state law. Brnovich has 30 days to review the complaint. If he finds a violation, the county could face a loss of funding if the problem is not rectified.


Jim Watkins, [03.08.21 18:25]

What ‘real’ truths are ]they[ willing to sacrifice as a major distraction? Next few weeks, you’ll see major things coming out like Cuomo, the pentagon, UFO’s, China, Olympics, CCP Virus, Iran, etc. in order to distract the public from AZ, cyber symposium and the Audits. While these distractions are “real”, it’s important to have your bearing set to STRAIGHT, don’t get side tracked in anything! ⚡

Jim Watkins Distractions.png
Cyber Symposium On August 10th - 12th
72 Hour Livestream right here on FRANKSPEECH.COM.

The Cyber Symposium is a private event, that allows the attendees to work and interact together from a variety of industries. During this symposium, Mike Lindell will be revealing the cyber data and packet captures from the November 2020 Election.


Frank Speech Cyber Symposium.png
2 more 'only the best people' get what they deserve

(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday sanctioned two lawyers who brought a lawsuit alleging the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump and his supporters, calling their case "one enormous conspiracy theory."
"This lawsuit was filed with a woeful lack of investigation," U.S. Magistrate Judge N. Reid Neureiter said in a lengthy written decision , which came four months after he dismissed the case.

Neureiter ordered the two lawyers, Gary D. Fielder and Ernest John Walker, to pay the legal fees incurred by people and entities they sued, including Facebook Inc and voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems Inc.