US Elections (& Politics) :)

"Sharyl Attkisson does an amazingly calm and sensible podcast"

I really like and respect Sharyl Attkisson, she is what journalists should be.
Further developments in the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors issues:
a1) MCBOS refuses to provide subpoena'ed information
View attachment 97254

a2) Demonion responds to AZ Senate:
View attachment 97255

b) AZ AG files against MCBOS


c) Sonny Borrelli requests AG investigate clear violation of AZ law.

What are the dimoKKKRATS trying to hide.
2 more 'only the best people' get what they deserve

(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday sanctioned two lawyers who brought a lawsuit alleging the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump and his supporters, calling their case "one enormous conspiracy theory."
"This lawsuit was filed with a woeful lack of investigation," U.S. Magistrate Judge N. Reid Neureiter said in a lengthy written decision , which came four months after he dismissed the case.

Neureiter ordered the two lawyers, Gary D. Fielder and Ernest John Walker, to pay the legal fees incurred by people and entities they sued, including Facebook Inc and voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems Inc.

Why is Dominion Voting Systems Inc. refusing to comply with the subpoenas in Arizona? What are they hiding?
Why is Dominion Voting Systems Inc. refusing to comply with the subpoenas in Arizona? What are they hiding?
They are hiding the ROUTERs that served as PXE boot servers to load alternate BIOS and operating system images to the so-called voting machines.
They just won't give it up. Look at this abomination that's included in the "infrastructure" boondoggle -

edit: What's really aggravating about the piece of crap bill is that there is some, not a whole lot by DC standards today, for real infrastructure which is really needed. The only reason the "bill" is so massive, ~3000 pages, is specifically to be able to hide all the waste that's included in it as well as the pork to pay off Rinos like Mitt Romney.
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One has to wonder if perhaps 20,000 or more voters in the 2020 election are among the ones purged -


According to Christian evangelist and entrepreneur Nick Vujicic, “90% of banks ‘give philanthropically toward abortion.’” Ninety percent! This means nine out of ten banks are donating towards the murder of unborn children by giving to places such as Planned Parenthood, a company that wants to kill as many children in the womb as they can and celebrate this as a “woman’s choice,” “reproductive freedom,” or “healthcare.” Well, in response to this, Vujicic is co-starting his own bank, potentially to be named ProLifeBank.

Nick has came to our church many times, he has an amazing ministry...
If you want to know the definition for Bat-Shit-Crazy, look no further then this. Throw in delusional as well, and I think we have described her perfectly!


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August 6, 2021

Good News Friday - Walk Out With Us


Dear Patriots:

NO ONE should be forced to get jabbed with an untested vaccine against their will or through threat of job loss or education opportunities. Millions of people have researched the vaccine and have legitimate concerns about the vaccine's safety and effectiveness. Defending the Republic is asking you to take a stand and join us for Walk Out Wednesday, August 11 at Noon. Peacefully walk out of your place of employment or school if you are being forced to get vaccinated.

Even if you are not being forced, yet, stand with those who have been placed in the horrible situation by our government. Stand for the freedom to make your own decisions about your health. Almost nothing the government has said or done to this country in the 18 months has made sense. It is constantly changing what it wants us to do based on how willing we are to just go along. At this point nothing "our leaders" are demanding is based on science. It is based on control. How much freedom are we willing to give up?

We ask you to push back. Stand up. Walk out on Wednesday.

Watch this dramatic video thru the LINK provided. And share on your social media.
Stand Up For Freedom | Defending The Republic


Now for today's Good News!

If you are not following Seth Keshel on his Telegram page, you might want to start. Meanwhile, check out this story at Gateway Pundit. Look at the map and see what Seth has found about the 2020 election where you live.

Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN

2- A rare leader in the US Senate.

Sen. Rand Paul: Mask mandates and lockdowns from petty tyrants? No, not again. Choose freedom. Resist. They can't arrest us all. They can't keep all your kids home from school.

3- When people speak up, things happen. Don't be silent. Protect your children.
Tennessee Schools Violating Anti-CRT Law May Lose Millions in Funding Under New RulePublic school districts in Tennessee could lose millions of dollars of state funds and teachers could have their licenses suspended for teaching "prohibited concepts" related to critical race theory (CRT), according to a new rule proposed by Tennessee Department of Education.

4- The FDA has not approved the Covid-CCP vaccine, yet, but they HAVE approved this particular treatment. Let us hope more treatments that are not the vaccine follow.
(The Epoch Times)

FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized a monoclonal antibody cocktail as a measure to prevent infection in some groups of people who were exposed to the CCP virus, the pathogen that causes COVID-19.

5- Great news for freedom in South Carolina.

University is Forced to Drop Mask Mandate After Attorney General Says It Violates a State Order

The University of South Carolina will be rescinding a mask mandate after the state's Attorney General reminded USC that it violates a state order.

"We're going to let the parents decide, but there is no confusion among the parents," the Republican Governor Henry McMaster said. "We have seen what happens when these children are subjected to requiring masks so they can't perform, they can't learn."

6- There are many people fighting back in many different ways.
(American Greatness)

Virginia Prosecutors Backed by Soros to Face Recall Trials

A nonprofit organization has launched an effort to recall three prosecutors in Virginia who were financially backed by George Soros and have implemented policies that favor criminals and reduce law enforcement capabilities, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The group, Virginians for Safe Communities (VSC), is going after prosecutors in the Northern Virginia suburbs that immediately surround Washington, D.C.: Buta Biberaj in Loudoun County, Parisa Dehghani-Tafti in Arlington County, and Steve Descano in Fairfax County.

All three of them were elected in 2020 after the far-left billionaire had spent over $2 million to support all three of their campaigns.

7- Wisconsin Removes 205,000 Voters From The Rolls
(Conservative Brief)

Election officials in the battleground state of Wisconsin have removed more than 205,000 voters from the rolls as part of routine work to keep the state's registration lists as current as possible.

Conservatives filed lawsuits back in 2020 demanding that the Wisconsin Elections Commission remove voters from the rolls if they didn't respond to mailings within 30 days.

Those lawsuits failed and Joe Biden took the state of Wisconsin over Donald Trump by about 20,000 votes.

8- When a leader leads, people follow.
Florida School District Reverses Mask Mandate After DeSantis Issues Executive Order

Broward County Public Schools has changed its masking policy after Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis released an executive order giving parents the power to decide whether their children should wear masks at school.

Broward County Public Schools intends to comply with the Governor's latest Executive Order.

9-This is a nice piece by Jason Whitlock on the joyous American Olympic wrestler, Tamyra Mensah-Stock.​
(The Blaze)
QUOTE: Mensah-Stock's parents laid an incredible foundation of support for their kids. That foundation launched a daughter all the way to the Olympics. It was awesome to see Mensah-Stock celebrate God, her dad, her mom, and her country.

10- A positive approach by self avowed libertarians discussing all the things at a recent Freedom Fest. The event took place at the end of July. It is worth 50 minutes to listen to this discussion.

(Jordan Schachtel Substack)

11- Over the weekend, listen to this comprehensive interview that Sidney did on Thursday with Shad Olson. The Shad Olson Show is another excellent place to get honest information. Add his show to your list of places to go and to share.
We will leave you, at the end of this first week of August 2021, with Hope. People are fighting back.

Truth is winning.
Hold Fast,Sidney & Team Kraken
Please share this information with your like-minded friends on social media.



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This email was sent by Defending the Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
Expert Cyber Team CONFIRMS Votes Can Be Altered From Overseas in Run-Up to Lindell Symposium

Mike Lindell’s much-talked-about Cyber Symposium is set for next week, August 10-12, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Lindell has offered a reward to any cyber team who can prove his assertions about the 2020 election incorrect.

The entire symposium will be aired live on Frank Speech.

Lindell provided a number of videos where he claims that the 2020 Election was stolen from President Trump and that the method used to perform this steal was performed overseas on voting systems across key swing states.

Today we have explosive information that proves US election machines can be altered from overseas. An expert cyber team has proven that you can change votes in US election systems from overseas and ultimately alter election results. The team was even able to alter the dates on the data entries made overseas in a location in Asia to cover up their activities.

This team proves that votes can be altered from overseas. However, there is much more to this story.

First, we must explain a few items. The election process begins with a ballot being filled out by an individual at the local library or similar type of polling location. The ballots are entered into tabulation machines after votes are selected by a voter. At the end of the day, all the votes in that location are summarized and a printout from the machine and memory cards are produced showing the results from that location. These results are carried to another location like the county seat where these votes are further consolidated in an EMS machine. This is where an attack of an election could occur where the votes could be flipped.

What is also important to note is that the EMS devices have network cards and server modems which allow for Internet access. This allows for changes to be made here via the Internet.

This is also why individuals involved in election steals do not want to review the hard copies of election results – the ballots. There is no functionality in the voting machines that prevent ballots from being tabulated numerous times like was observed in Fulton County Georgia on Election night. Because of this, election fraud is more likely committed at the local level. Tabulators can be set at the machine level and in most cases, the election sites are no longer managed by the state but rather by individuals from voting systems companies.

Any election fraud committed through EMS devices could be identified through recounts of the ballots at the locations involved. This is why the audit performed in Arizona is so important. Any adjustments through machines or through shoving the same ballots through tabulation machines multiple times are identified in the forensic audit. The results of the Maricopa audit in Arizona are expected to show that.

Even though it has been proven that votes can be changed overseas in locations in the US, it is basically impossible to prove this without performing forensic audits. The reason for this is because of ‘chain of custody’.

If individual packets were obtained that were related to vote changes in the US initiated overseas, these packets would have to be protected and any and all movement or changes in custody of this data would have to be managed. This would be almost impossible to maintain at a level that could be used in a court of law. This is the ultimate challenge to Absolute Proof.
In Summary

CodemonkeyZ (Ron Watkins) is preparing to release election fraud information via BitTorrent.
If you know what a torrent is and how to find them, watch for his drop coming soon.

CodemonkeyZ said:
I will be releasing a torrent file that should be spread to as many people as possible.
Please only use torrent if you absolutely know what you are doing.
It is possible to dox yourself with torrents if you don’t correctly setup your security.

Don’t stay up late waiting for this torrent, it is still being prepared and needs hours to complete.