US Elections (& Politics) :)

These democrats don't have the ability to engineer new ideas. Their only solution to the current debt crisis is to incur more debt. :(

Obama Def. Sec. Leon Panetta Admits He Was Involved With Gen. Milley’s Secret CCP Calls

Panetta, a private citizen, admits he was in on Milley's subversive phone call with Chinese Communist Party military behind former President Trump's back.

Former Obama administration Defense Secretary Leon Panetta appeared to admit that he was involved with General Mark Milley’s secret phone calls to Communist China behind President Trump’s back.

Panetta claimed to The Hill on Sunday that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Milley’s first phone call to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military warning them if they’d attack had the approval of the Pentagon.

“The first phone call was pursuant to the approval of [Defense] Secretary [Mark] Esper, and I think that certainly makes that clear as to what General Milley was doing,” Panetta said.

Panetta went on to justify Milley’s secret phone calls by claiming Trump “was appointing political people to key positions at the Defense Department.”

“And it was coming at a time when there was a tremendous amount of concern about the role of the military,” he said.

In an apparent admission to being involved with Milley’s call, Panetta said he was “concerned” Trump was appointing people he didn’t like and didn’t know what he would do regarding the stolen 2020 presidential election.

“Every secretary of defense signed a letter that indicated that it was very important that the military not be used for political purposes, and we were concerned about what the president might do.”

Obama Def. Sec. Leon Panetta Admits He Was Involved With Gen. Milley’s Secret CCP Calls (

Comment from another forum: "Only the willfully blind can not now see the fully bipartisan nature of the coup launched against President Trump and the MAGA agenda."
How Biden Voters Pretend There’s Nothing Wrong!

'Nasser Was Not An Outlier' - Exposing The FBI's Incurable Rot
'Nasser Was Not An Outlier' - Exposing The FBI's Incurable Rot | ZeroHedge

FBI Director Christopher Wray, hired by President Trump in 2017, publicly apologized. The “fundamental errors” made in the Nassar case, Wray told the judiciary committee, would not happen again as long as he’s head of the agency. “I want to make sure the American people know that the reprehensible conduct . . . is not representative of the work that I see from our 37,000 folks every day.” The rank-and-file, Wray insisted, perform their jobs with “uncompromising integrity.”

But Wray is wrong to claim that the Nassar case is an outlier. From the top of the command chain down, the FBI has trashed its reputation through a series of scandals. It’s not just the alarming texts between spousal cheats Peter Strzok and Lisa Page; the ambush of Lt. General Michael Flynn in the White House; Comey’s use of the shady Steele dossier to set up Donald Trump; or Andrew McCabe’s lies to his own FBI investigators.

It’s not just the other set of “errors”—17 to be exact—found in the FBI’s four unlawful FISA applications on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Or the official email doctored by a top FBI lawyer cited as evidence on one of the applications. Or the fact that no one in the agency has gone to jail for perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in history on the American people.

Gretchen Whitmer, lowlifes populate the FBI’s rank-and-file. Richard Trask, the special agent in charge of the investigation, was arrested in July for physically assaulting and choking his wife after attending a swinger’s party. Trask was fired this month; he faces numerous criminal charges. Prosecutors decided not to use Trask as a witness after his social media account revealed numerous anti-Trump posts, including calling the president a “piece of shit.”
Defense attorneys in the Whitmer case asked the judge to delay trial for 90 days as they investigate the conduct of at least a dozen other FBI agents involved in the conspiracy. The FBI gave one informant $24,000 and a new car for his services.


But what ails the FBI cannot be solved with a few firings. It cannot be solved with more congressional oversight or threats to cut federal funding. The moral rot that infects the agency from top to bottom renders the agency unsalvageable.

“This conduct by these FBI agents . . . who are expected to protect the public is unacceptable, disgusting, and shameful,” Maggie Nichols, the gymnast who first reported Nassar’s crimes to the FBI, told the committee.
Her description, however, applies to the entire FBI—an institution with no shame, no remorse, and no accountability. There’s no fix for that.
'10 For The Big Guy': Politico Confirms Hunter Biden's China, Ukraine Emails Are Legit

Just a reminder, I predicted Biden to resign for health reasons at 2 years.

I don’t think they’ll let him go that long now. Deep State and the monsters pulling the strings can’t afford too much more or they risk losing Senate majority. Not that that will make much difference. The whole fucking system is corrupt to the core.
Just a reminder, I predicted Biden to resign for health reasons at 2 years.

I don’t think they’ll let him go that long now. Deep State and the monsters pulling the strings can’t afford too much more or they risk losing Senate majority. Not that that will make much difference. The whole fucking system is corrupt to the core.
My bet, around October, 2020, was Christmas this year. He's not running a damned thing, but still in the big office.

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Just a reminder, I predicted Biden to resign for health reasons at 2 years.

I don’t think they’ll let him go that long now. Deep State and the monsters pulling the strings can’t afford too much more or they risk losing Senate majority. Not that that will make much difference. The whole fucking system is corrupt to the core.

Prediction: The Deep State Will Toss Joseph Biden Out Like an Old Casserole Within a Year
Prediction: The Deep State Will Toss Joseph Biden Out Like an Old Casserole Within a Year | ZeroHedge
Rut Ro
The lapdog “press” (who are generally just one chromosome separated from pond scum) are beginning to catch on!

Heartwarming to see liberals beginning to eat their own.

Just a reminder, I predicted Biden to resign for health reasons at 2 years.

I don’t think they’ll let him go that long now. Deep State and the monsters pulling the strings can’t afford too much more or they risk losing Senate majority. Not that that will make much difference. The whole fucking system is corrupt to the core.

Everything about Biden is scripted. That is why he will not even talk to his allies in the press. You would think that his whole presidency is written and directed by Hollywood. He even carries around note cards on what to say because he cannot always remember his lines.
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The country is becoming polluted with flatulence. This is even worse than the movie "The Interview" Virtually everything is fake in this country now. Thank you GMO, Thank You Planned obsolescence, Thank you higher Debt ceiling, Thank you all electric vehicles, Thank you Climate Change...something has to!

Everything about Biden is scripted. That is why he will not even talk to his allies in the press. You would think that his whole presidency is written and directed by Hollywood. He even carries around note cards on what to say because he cannot always remember his lines.
Everything about Biden is scripted. That is why he will not even talk to his allies in the press. You would think that his whole presidency is written and directed by Hollywood. He even carries around note cards on what to say because he cannot always remember his lines.

It has been from day #1
Biden wasn’t calling his own shots even leading up to the election any more than the WuFlu came from bat soup or Trump colluded with Russia.

The real problem is that something north of 50% of the US population is simply
a) gullible and naive
b) dumb as a fucking rock
c) will vote for anyone who they think will give them more free shit or
d) all of the above.

Right there are 3 historic lies perpetrated by liberal “progressive” Democrats and RINOs, and bought hook line and sinker by that same 50%+

The more recent big lies this same brain dead segment of the population has bought into include:
-Critical Race Theory
-Allowing men to be girls
-White Domestic Terrorism

They do so because of their own weaknesses, insecurities, and lack of critical thinking ability. They are parasites taking up my oxygen