Known around here

It is time to say Goodbye!
It is time! It is time for me to say goodbye to the Department of Defense and the Department of the Air Force. It has been an honor serving as the first Chief Software Officer in the U.
I spoke with a leftist base member last Friday that blamed the Afghanistan debacle on Trump. As if Biden was following a plan that Trump had agreed to, and Biden had no other choice.
So have to assume, just like “Russian Collusion “ this is what CNN and MSNBC are feeding them.
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View attachment 104441
It is time to say Goodbye!
It is time! It is time for me to say goodbye to the Department of Defense and the Department of the Air Force. It has been an honor serving as the first Chief Software Officer in the U.www.linkedin.com
If this doesn't toast your muffins, frost your cookies or make your blood boil you're dain bread -