It’s been said that the democrats were pro slavery, now they are trying to undo that statement
Found this interesting with regards to China's Social Credit system .. and thought to myself we have to stop something like this from coming here in force ..
My 41 year old step daughter is among those so-called "80 Mil." She's a sweet, kind person and I love her but my God....she is being led to the slaughter like so many other sheep. I credit her for going back to school recently to try and make a vocation change after the ups and downs in the garment manufacturing she's done for 20 years but guess what's her course of worker!What is sickening is that over 80,000,000 people still want to believe the narrative propagating mainstream media. Absolute horror. Instead of depending on news and being influenced by biased and untruthful media coverage, these people (one-sided pro democrats) should wake up and stop living in delusion. Its not a political issue, its a mentality issue. They have been conditioned to see things from only one perspective. Its horrifying because this is dividing the country even further.![]()