US Elections (& Politics) :)

Woke 401(k) rule quietly moves forward
Almost exactly one year ago, the US Department of Labor issued a regulation requiring that employers and their financial advisers choose employee investment plans based solely on financial factors… and nothing else.

Even more specifically, the regulation prevents employers from choosing a mutual fund or ETF whose main objectives are anything other than financial, i.e. mutual funds which place social or environmental justice above investment returns.

The rule effectively stopped employers from injecting their personal beliefs into their employees retirement plans.

Yet earlier this year, new Labor Department under the administration of Hunter Biden’s dad announced that they would no longer enforce this rule.

Three weeks ago they went a step further and created a new regulation called “Financial Factors in Selecting Plan Investments”.

This new rule proposes to formally reverse the old regulation by expressly allowing businesses to “make investment decisions that reflect climate change and other environmental, social, or governance (“ESG”) considerations. . .”

The proposed regulation goes on for THIRTY THREE PAGES and outlines every possible woke investment initiative imaginable.

For example, the rule allows employers to invest your savings in a stock based solely on that company’s “progress on workforce diversity [and] inclusion. . .” as opposed to, you know, profit and growth potential.

But there’s something even more striking about this regulation.

Normally whenever the federal government proposes new rules and regulations, they give the public an opportunity to comment on the proposal… and these comments are made public.

In this case the comments are, in fact, NOT public.

The rule even claims that all comments will be made available on and

Yet public comments to this regulation are available at neither website.

Moreover, the rule also states that public comments will be made available to anyone who physically visits the Employee Benefits Security Administration’s (EBSA) office in Washington DC.

Yet according to the EBSA website, they have “temporarily moved to telephone and website contact only” because of COVID-1984.

So, at the moment, all public comments for this new regulation are being quietly buried as the deadline for its passage (December 13th) quickly approaches.

Click here to read the proposed rule.
Crazy is as Crazy does!


And the best one yet... (I just paid $3.10 for a gallon of unleaded fuel)...

Crazy is as Crazy does!

Tolerate burglaries? Sure. Right up to the very point where one of there feet crosses the threshold of my house, then toleration is over. Then I have to call the sheriffs office and the ME to inform them they can come pickup the new cadaver I found on the wrong side of the threshold of my house.:wave:

View attachment 107643
View attachment 107644

And the best one yet... (I just paid $3.10 for a gallon of unleaded fuel)...

View attachment 107645
Extend the tax deadlines for these politicians, makes no difference whatsoever. :rofl: Who's being lawful now is the ultimate question
Scare tactics work, prior to election day, the number of threat mails from the opposition party far exceeded those of the other candidate. And guess who won? The opposition party of course. Fear mongering wins. Had the other candidate won, there would have been things you wouldn't want to show your kids in the community.

Hopefully, this isn't what it seems to be.

View attachment 107657
Could be, but I don't think so.......the indicated length of 246 feet doesn't even come close to representing any U.S. aircraft carriers to date: The U.S.S. Nimitz CVN-68 is almost 1,100 feet long and the "tiny" U.S.S. Hancock CVA-19 I was on '70 to '72 was almost 890 feet long. The shape is all wrong as well: since 1957 our aircraft carriers have had angled flight decks so that aircraft can be launching while they can be landing, at the same time.

IMO, the Chinese would be more accurate in depicting anything, even if they plan to blow it up. :blankstare:
I just love it, they call themselves "anti-fascists" while they are practicing real fascism. And the MSM just eats it up.
Is there any doubt that Antifa is nothing more than the Elite's version of Hitler's brown shirts? If you have any doubts, this should dispel them...

Come on Ssayer, stick to the real problem.... Parents!!!