US Elections (& Politics) :)

Sweet, where's my hard to find toilet paper? Went to Costco the other day only to find out they were out of it. I crapped my pants :rofl: Everyone put their masks back on in full swing

Time to invest in a bidet
I saw just a little bit of Toilet paper sitting next to some Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream on the shelf, which appeared to be melting ;)
Hopin' that bear eats that donkey alive! :mad::headbang:
How Media And Tech Elites Seized Control Of Elections | ZeroHedge

Mollie Hemingway, an editor of the online magazine The Federalist, calls our attention in this well-researched book to a problem of vital significance. She is a supporter of Donald Trump, though not an uncritical one, and writes from this point of view, but whether you like the former president or not, you cannot ignore her message.

She begins the book with a paradox. Almost all the polls predicted a decisive win for Biden in the November 2020 presidential election, but in fact the result, setting aside altogether the allegations of rigged voting by the former president and his supporters, was very close:
“The political class, the corporate media, and their pollsters were all dramatically wrong, and yet Biden would eke out a presidential victory of just under 43,000 votes across three states, out of a total of nearly 160 million.” (p.36. All page references are to the Amazon Kindle edition.)
Why were the polls so inaccurate?
One answer would be mistakes in the way in polls were conducted, but Hemingway sees something more sinister in the errors. The inaccurate polls were part of a massive campaign by the government and corporate elite to ensure Trump’s defeat in the election.
This campaign continued the efforts by the same elite to secure his defeat in the 2016 election; and, when those efforts failed, to derail his presidency.
Hemingway stresses especially one tactic used in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. In previous elections, most voting took place on the appointed day in November, and although some people cast absentee ballots, these were of minor importance. No longer is this the case, and voting by mail now predominates.
“’No excuse’ absentee voting allows citizens to cast their ballots early. With the widespread adoption of this practice in recent years, the United States can no longer be said to have an election day in the strict sense of the term. The country has a months-long voting season. . .In 2016, absentee and mail-in ballots accounted for roughly 33 million of the 140 million ballots counted. In 2020, more than 100 million of the 159 million ballots counted were cast prior to Election Day, including by early voting.” (p.222)
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"Joy" Reid. Talk about an oxymoron, or is that moron?
Oh, did I just pickup a whole shelf load of those from the freezing ice cream cabinet, but deciding they were racist had to unload them immediately, putting them back in the empty toilet paper shelves?
Did you lick them first then put them back, remember the trend awhile ago...They were even dumb enough to post this act...
People make their own choices. They knew the risks of coming to the US and illegally entering long before they hopped on a bus and got let off at the border. They knew what the chances were of kids getting separated from their families if caught. They made a choice. Now, they have to live with it. Why should the US citizens bankroll the rest of the world? Because some liberal politician thinks we should? Good. Then they need to donate their entire paycheck and future pensions all to the very people they want the citizens to pay for. It was their idea to begin with. They should fund it themselves.

My Dad had dementia for 8 years before he died. I know the symptoms very, very well. Brandon, there, has advanced dementia. His handlers are not there to stop him or pull him off the stage when he has a outburst and embarrasses himself. Any medication for dementia is only experimental. (kind of like covid) You can't cure it and it is really debatable if you can even slow it down. Pull his ass out of the whitehouse now, send him home with a bucket of ice cream and a box of depends. One of those items makes him happy and the other one makes his caretakers happy.
The truth is the kids were used by the Cartel to get others across the border. Most parents were not sent with their kids, majority of the kids that came across were alone, no parents, but came with others posing as the parents. Ask any Border Patrol the truth. Sure there were some that came with their parents and yes there was a temporary separation until the vetting process was completed/done but the ones they were saying, I remember like 300 kids, their 90 plus percent of their parents did not even cross with them they found out. It was another MSM Left Lie back then...

I agree with you on Joe and Dementia, we took care of our Mom for 6 years with the disease, trust me we will all see Alzheimer as the cause of Joe's death on his death cert. unless the Left try's to cover it up...This dude needs to take my Mom's bed in the Memory Unit she was in...the will nickname him Crappy Joe in there...