US Elections (& Politics) :)


Listening to Christian Radio, they have been stating that the Christian Schools are growing 3 to 4 times larger than last year. So many parents are pulling their kids out of public, private and charter schools.
You know what I have learned much through my Christian walk is the world's adversary pushes destruction but God comes right behind him and turns Bad to Good. There is Always Hope...
I am posting this here, because there are those that are finding this offensive and a violation of privacy rights. At first when I read the title, I was like, 'WTF?' But once you read the article, you know WHY she did what she did. IMO, she is a Principal that gives a shit about her students and has a 'PAIR'! Good for her!


This guy is just a f******g idiot. He lost two bids and now he thinks he has a shot at beating Abbot? Ha, ha, little boy better get his big girl panties on! This should probably be under humor.

This guy is just a f******g idiot. He lost two bids and now he thinks he has a shot at beating Abbot? Ha, ha, little boy better get his big girl panties on! This should probably be under humor.

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I didn't even read your comment, and seeing the comment of his in bold, had me rolling on the floor laughing. There is something seriously wrong with the leftist mind.
Once again, crazy is as crazy does! This to should probably be in humor....
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She could snap the necks of little kittens on live TV saying they were the cause of global warming and a majority of Democrats would believe and applaud her.
We’re not dealing with rational people here…
The hoe is crying the blues since she just figured out she never was important to the liberal hijacking of our country. Sit back and enjoy the money, hoe. You don't deserve it. You didn't even do the one thing you were assigned to do.


November 15, 2021

We can not hide from the reality

Dear Patriots,

We talk a lot about Covid-CCP and the many ways the virus has wormed it's way into all aspects of our lives. It is important to keep pointing out the draconian way the left, worldwide, is using the virus as an excuse to lock us in our homes and target unvaccinated people as less than human. We will continue to share these stories with you. We must keep reading and knowing what is happening. We must keep sharing information with our family and friends.
Hiding from any of this is dangerous.

1- Does this mean that blacks and hispanics are MORE likely to get Covid-CCP or is this simply racist?

Texas COVID Patient Denied Monoclonal Antibodies By Black Health Care Worker Because He's White

A Texas man has been denied monoclonal antibody treatment for covid because he is white.

Earlier this year, the Texas Health and Human Services department (HHS) made monoclonal antibody treatments available to COVID patients following its Emergency Use Authorization by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in February.

The state has issued tens of thousands of monoclonal antibody treatments over the past several months, but recently, thanks to a supply shortage spurred by the Biden administration, the agency has begun segregating who can receive the treatment based solely on the color of their skin.

Now, the state is only providing the treatments to "high-risk ethnicity groups," while actively refusing to provide the same care to whites who have been diagnosed with Covid.

In one shocking example of this state-sponsored racism that was caught on video, Infowars host Harrison Smith visited a Texas HHS clinic on Saturday where he was denied monoclonal antibody treatment simply because he is white.

2- This news is extremely distressing. Let us not forget the historical significance of Austria. Despite 65% of the population being vaccinated, they are having another large breakout. And so, they punish those skeptical of the vaccine's safety and effectiveness.
(The Epoch Times)
Austria Orders Lockdown for the Unvaccinated, Directs Police to Carry Out Spot-Checks
QUOTE: Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg on Sunday announced the country is placing millions of people who aren't fully vaccinated for COVID-19 on lockdown starting Monday.

About 65 percent of the Central European nation's population is vaccinated, according to government data. Under the measures revealed on Sunday, unvaccinated people are ordered to stay at home except for limited reasons. Many Austrians are sceptical about vaccines, a view encouraged by the far-right Freedom Party, the third biggest in parliament.
The rules, the government said, will be enforced by police officers who will be out on the streets carrying out spot-checks on people who are in public. Unvaccinated people are already excluded from entertainment venues, bars, restaurants, and similar venues and businesses.

3- Thank goodness we have a system of government where the states can push back against the executive branch.
(Just The News)

Tennessee governor signs sweeping COVID law barring vaccine mandates, passports
QUOTE: Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) signed the state's COVID-19 omnibus bill Friday, ensuring government entities cannot force private businesses to institute COVID-19 mandates and private businesses cannot take action against unvaccinated employees nor compel an employee or visitor to show proof of vaccination.

The bill prevents government entities from requiring masks. Schools would need to go through an intricate process to require masks and only on a school-by-school basis, not district-wide.

The bill also allows those who leave a job because of a COVID-19 vaccination mandate to be eligible for unemployment benefits.

4- It is NOT about health. It is ALL about POWER for a very few.
(The Spectator World)

Biden's vaccine order is about power, not health
Sometimes a thing can be two things at once, one good and one bad. That requires a choice.
In a free society, that choice is usually best made by the individual directly affected. If not, then by an open, democratic process. Yet that is not what's happening with Joe Biden's vaccine mandate and it's why the cure is worse than the disease.

Vax mandates are an unhealthy thing for our democracy and represent a willful effort by government to exert additional control over an already cowed population. There is a direct line between the PATRIOT Act, mass surveillance, and vax mandates that claims "it is all for our own good" when it is more broadly for our own bad. This is about politics, not medicine.

There is hope. In a three-justice dissent on a case in which the Supreme Court upheld a state-level healthcare worker vax mandate, Justice Neil Gorsuch expressed concern over the government's protracted suspension of liberties due to the pandemic. "I accept that what we said 11 months ago remains true today — that stemming the spread of Covid qualifies as 'a compelling interest,'" he wrote. "At the same time, I would acknowledge that this interest cannot qualify as such forever."

The challenges filed will not at their heart be about COVID, or medicine at all, but about our democracy. Any notion that public health demands the government take for itself the power to dictate who can work, or which Americans have the right of return, misses the point. COVID should not be the driving force of life in America. A truly healthy society is one where freedom is the core value, not fear.

5- It does NOT have to be this way. Covid-CCP is treatable. It is not deadly MOST of the time. We are being denied adequate care for a leftist political agenda.
Dr. Pierre Kory: 'COVID-19 Is Highly Treatable'
QUOTE: New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory, an unapologetic champion of evidence-based medicine, has had remarkable success treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic. His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol as part of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) have largely been stifled by censorship, ridicule and colleagues — brainwashed by the official narrative — unwilling to accept the science.

Kory spoke with Dr. Chris Martenson, host of the Peak Prosperity podcast, about his incredible experiences over the last nearly two years. On December 8, 2020, Kory testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which held a hearing on "Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution."

He called on the NIH, CDC and FDA to review the expansive data on ivermectin to prevent COVID-19, keep those with early symptoms from progressing and help critically ill patients recover.2,3 As he told Martenson, due to their promising results, he believed early on that "the pandemic has been solved," until he realized that those in power weren't open to hearing what he had to say.

Despite his impassioned pleas and astonishing science to back them up, the treatment not only was ignored by the Senate committee but promptly eviscerated.4 Now, he feels his colleagues in the health care field are living in one of two worlds — by either not following the data or putting patients first because they're afraid of losing their job or status, or by risking everything to put patients first. He's become estranged from many colleagues who he says "don't get it."

6- There are pockets of sanity all over the country.
(The Epoch Times)

Hospital System That Operates in 19 States Blocked From Firing Workers Over Vaccine: Oklahoma AG

QUOTE: Oklahoma was granted a temporary restraining order that blocks Ascension Healthcare from terminating employees who were denied religious exemptions from the firm's COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Oklahoma Attorney General John O'Connor had filed for a restraining order against the company's requirement. On the night of Nov. 12, a Tulsa district judge granted the request, according to the O'Connor's office.

"This evening, the Tulsa District Court granted the State's Application for Temporary Restraining Order in our case to keep Ascension Healthcare from carrying out its plan to fire employees who were unfairly denied religious exemptions from their nationwide COVID-19 vaccination mandate," the Republican attorney general said in a statement. "This is a win for religious freedom and our office will continue to fight against unlawful religious discrimination."

Read. Know. Share. Pray.

Hold Fast,
Defending the Republic


Regardless of who wins any election, in order to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

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In Some Parts Of America, Looting Has Become A Way Of Life | ZeroHedge

The level of lawlessness that we are now witnessing in the United States of America is absolutely breathtaking.

On average, thieves are stealing more than 100 million dollars worth of merchandise from our retailers every single day. Just think about that. I have written extensively about the shoplifting epidemic that is plaguing this country, but even I didn’t know that things had gotten that bad. Sadly, much of the thievery is being committed by highly organized gangs of looters. Last week, I posted absolutely stunning video of one of those gangs stealing vast quantities of laundry detergent from a retail store in Connecticut
Thieves in Connecticut load up their cars with stolen merchandise.
You can hear an employee warning another not to intervene because he will get fired
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) November 10, 2021
I shared that video with someone that I trust, and that individual wondered why they hadn’t taken something more expensive like big screen televisions.
Well, now we have video of that exact same group of looters wheeling big screen televisions right out the front door of another store in Connecticut

These professional looters seem to have no fear of being confronted.

And that is probably because they know that even if they are caught they will never be charged with a felony. Many states have changed their laws to be more lenient on shoplifters in recent years, and this appears to be helping to fuel an enormous boom in organized retail theft
Gangs of professional boosters have been snatching racks of clothing and other items for years, but the National Retail Federation reports in its most recent survey of retailers that more lenient penalties and prosecution policies are fueling a rise in such crimes.
“Many states have increased the threshold of what constitutes a felony, which has had the unintended consequence of allowing criminals to steal more without being afraid of stronger penalties related to felony charges,” the trade association reported. “Nearly two-thirds of retailers report that they’ve seen an increase in the average ORC case value in these states.”
My guess is that the thieves in the two videos are selling what they steal online.
Of course they are far from alone. This sort of thing is happening all over the nation, and it is being reported that theft is now costing our retailers 45 billion dollars a year
Retail theft is now said to be responsible for $45 billion in annual losses in the U.S., according to one trade association, a figure whose recent growth reflects the disruptions of the pandemic era and the rise of online retail, which has made it easier to resell stolen items.
That is an incredibly high number.
When you divide that figure by 365 days, you get an average of more than 123 million dollars per day.
We are talking about thievery on an industrial scale, and we are being told that some of our biggest cities are where the most extensive looting is happening…
The top five cities for organized retail crime, in order, were Los Angeles, San Francisco/ Oakland, Chicago, New York and Miami, the trade association reported. Video of blatant thefts from California stores, in particular, have been widely circulated.
In addition to retail theft, there has been an alarming rise in the number of “follow-home robberies” in the Los Angeles area.
Apparently criminals are specifically targeting highly vulnerable people. Once a sufficient target has been identified, the crooks follow the target all the way home before robbing the individual…
Due to an increase in violent street robberies, Robbery-Homicide Division has become aware of an ongoing crime trend of follow-home robberies. Suspects have been locating victims in Los Angeles, following them, and then committing the robberies as the victim arrives home or at their business. … These crimes have occurred throughout the City of Los Angles as well as neighboring cities. Different suspects have been identified and arrested for these types of crimes.
It is important to understand that the environment in our country has dramatically changed.
If you notice a suspicious vehicle following you toward your home, take several unexpected turns in order to confirm that you are indeed being followed.
Once you have confirmed that it is happening, do not proceed to your house. Instead, I would drive directly to the nearest police station.
Sometimes professional criminals are not just satisfied with robbing you. In Las Vegas, an 82-year-old woman was buried in her backyard, and then the criminals took over her home and her finances
A dead woman in Las Vegas was dismembered and buried in her backyard by a group of squatters before they moved into her home and took over her finances, according to police.
In April of this year, police discovered the body of 82-year-old Lucille Payne buried in the backyard of her home located on Shore Breeze Drive, according to local news station KLAS-TV’s Investigative Team (I-Team).
This is the end result of decades of moral collapse in this nation.
We just let evil continue to grow and grow, and now it is everywhere.
In Seattle, the downtown area has become so dangerous that city employees are now being escorted by security guards once they leave work…
Seattle has become so dangerous that the city can no longer protect its own employees, with security guards now escorting them after they finish work.
King County’s new ‘walking bus’ will debut on November 15, and see council workers based in Downtown Seattle and nearby Pioneer Square escorted to a nearby train station and ferry terminal each evening before being left to continue their commute home.
This is what our country has become, and it is only going to get worse.
Meanwhile, as our nation descends into total lawlessness, our military is focusing on becoming more “woke”
The Marine Corps, the smallest U.S. military force, has plans for a big overhaul designed to address its lack of diversity and problem with retaining troops.
The goal that’s driving what amounts to a cultural shift within the service, is for the Marines “to reflect America, to reflect the society we come from,” Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps, said in an interview with NPR’s Morning Edition.
I came across that story today after reading many other stories about the explosion of crime and lawlessness that we are experiencing.
The contrast really struck me.
It is almost as if our national leaders are living in a completely different reality from most of the rest of us.
The very fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams all around us, but meanwhile they are seemingly obsessed with playing politically correct games.
We are deeply, deeply sick as a society, and it appears to be getting worse with each passing year.
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There's a reason why the world is laughing at us now. Its because of dumb politicians like this Stupid Twat that are spouting absolute 'shit' from their mouths. It really isn't her fault...its the fault of the ASS-WIPES that elected her.


Love the comments...sometimes they are the best part!

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Stand-bye! If they let what happened last time happen again, its on them. I am SO F*****G sick of seeing people break the law and get away with it! You want to riot? You want to burn? Say hello to Mr. 5.56mm!



Should meet THIS!
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The way this country is going, one side is going far right, the other side is going far left. And sadly, as per the current forecast, even If the two sides come together, it will create nuclear fusion reaction and lead to detonation. Basically, unity is not going to work with the current algorithm, because the two sides do not equal to one another - basic math. Bipartisan agreements are unlikely in the long run.

Eventually, this is going to become the DSA followed by separation between states and we will have dozens of new countries on the North American plate. In other words, another civil war in the making when people deplete their neurotransmitters. Irrational decisions are made when people are at an ever high stress. This country about to bottom out. Period.

If you look at other countries, its happening everywhere around the world as well.

This is why aliens don't need to annihilate us. They know that we humans are going to annihilate ourselves anyway. They'll be back when the Earth resets itself :rofl:
Humans are "dumb" ; they use their potential on the mundane things...animals on the other hand do what they got to do for survival? Snake eats rat; rat eats cheese, etc., etc., Darwin, do you approve this? Natural selection, right? Survival of the fittest? :rofl: