Known around here
Unfortunately this demonstrates what most of us already know.
Liberal Democrats can only be one of two things:
1- so stupid that we need to round them up and sterilize them so they can no longer breed
2- lying pieces of shit
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
The Supreme Court, which is hearing arguments over vaccine mandates, displayed a stunning lack of knowledge of basic Covid-19 factsduring today's oral arguments.
The worst offender - Justice Sotamayor - who not only claimed that there are "100,000 children in serious condition," with many on ventilators (there are 3,342 per HHS with many or most being incidental covid positives alongside other conditions), but that Omicron is as deadly as Delta.
Sotomayor has no business being a Supreme Court Justice or a justice on any court. What pitiful display of ignorance she put on.